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Gear Sets and Power Saves

Apr 28, 2016
With the new addition of item locking [which I absolutely love!], I'm hoping eventually we can go a step further and have gear sets like on wizards. I like to have multiple gear setups for different matches, mostly based on what I'm up against. It would be super convenient if we could save those gear sets for easy equipping.

While that's not totally unheard of, I would like to suggest a step further. In wiz, swapping between gear sets usually just changes your stats, and doesn't interfere with your spell deck. In pirates, swapping gear usually changes your available powers, and all of them go the very back of our power setups. I have a horrible time remembering my setups since I sometimes take month-long breaks, so it makes resetting a total pain.

While it would probably be a challenge to program, my suggestion would be a way that when you equip a gear set, it sets your powers to the last setup you had while using it. Basically, you'd have a gear set equipped, set your powers, then next time you equipped that gear set, the powers were automatically set to that last set up, like an auto-save.

Then again, even if this weren't possible, the ability to at least have gear sets would be a huge help in organizing, even without being able to save powers.