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Unable to complete quest "Yak Where We Belong"

Dec 09, 2017
The quest helper for this quest directs me into the Moomori Compound instance. Whenever I enter the instance, the quest helper directs me back outside, leaving me perpetually being told to enter and exit the instance. The quest requires me to defeat Samoorai in the Moomori Compound zone. I've tried several different groups several different times but no luck. Am I missing something?

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
MajestyKI on Jun 19, 2020 wrote:
The quest helper for this quest directs me into the Moomori Compound instance. Whenever I enter the instance, the quest helper directs me back outside, leaving me perpetually being told to enter and exit the instance. The quest requires me to defeat Samoorai in the Moomori Compound zone. I've tried several different groups several different times but no luck. Am I missing something?
I know this is from a couple of weeks ago, but I hate to see an unanswered question sitting here. Hopefully, you were able to find the correct enemies and complete the quest. There are several areas called Moomori Compound, I think there is a village and a cave, etc., so looking at the map for a big red X is essential to finding the correct place to defeat those enemies.