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Return and Port for Markers

May 28, 2018
Markers is an absolutely amazing feature, but can be even better. I wish there was an extra button next to the teleport button that allows you to teleport to your marker, but also adds a marker in your current location. This would make traveling between two places amazing. Say for example I have to defeat enemies in one area, talk to a guy in another, and then turn in the quest to a guy in the first area. It gets annoying to have to travel all the way back, so this would be an amazing feature.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
HANNAHCROWTHORN490 on Jul 20, 2018 wrote:
Markers is an absolutely amazing feature, but can be even better. I wish there was an extra button next to the teleport button that allows you to teleport to your marker, but also adds a marker in your current location. This would make traveling between two places amazing. Say for example I have to defeat enemies in one area, talk to a guy in another, and then turn in the quest to a guy in the first area. It gets annoying to have to travel all the way back, so this would be an amazing feature.
What are our ships for? Or mounts? Why does everything have to be fast?