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Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
This isn't a thread complaining about them, I just think it's odd that I had a harder time fighting them, then I did fighting Deacon. (I think they have a lot of spellpower seeing at one point the poison did 128 damage. Marchioness came in handy for this fight tho)
Idk, just thought that was interesting.

Mar 05, 2016
witchdoctor of awe... on Feb 2, 2018 wrote:
This isn't a thread complaining about them, I just think it's odd that I had a harder time fighting them, then I did fighting Deacon. (I think they have a lot of spellpower seeing at one point the poison did 128 damage. Marchioness came in handy for this fight tho)
Idk, just thought that was interesting.

Mar 27, 2014
could be worse. they could have a load of epics like the Void Fish near Florenzia.