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New Power For Swashbucklers OR Buccaneers

Nov 06, 2012
I wanted to share an idea I had for each of the two classes; I can personally see it working for either, and I

want to see what you all think about the power itself. Here's a description:

POWER: Disarm

EFFECT: Target loses weapon for two turns.

While the target is disarmed, they are unable to use any standard attacks or powers that require a weapon like

Mighty Charge, Reckless Frenzy, Assassin's Strike, Sniper Shot, etc.

So what class do you think the power should go to? And do you think any adjustments should be made to the


Oct 26, 2013
we dont need stronger melee classes but i like the idea for witch or musket.

Jul 07, 2013
Give it to Privateers.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Oct 26, 2013
why in the world would we make privateers more powerful. you already have discord and boon. every privy on the message board seems to think that they are underpowered. privy is the one turn kill class. but i like the idea of learning disarm which could be used on buccaneers or swashbucklers to make them much less of a threat while with a damage block or an invisible