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An Opinion about the Shared 12 Days Page

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
anecorbie on Dec 27, 2018 wrote:
I can give one big reason why we didn't get a story up-date last year. The Wizard101 Decaversary, need I say more? KI was so focused on making this anniversary special that we got swept under the rug.

Not to mention Empyrea 1 & 2 and the end of the 3rd story arc for wizards ( and they're already asking for more story! I hope KI will make them wait while we get what is desperately needed. )
I think the Decaversary (and Empyrea), managing as it did to involve just about everyone but the janitorial crew, did pretty much monopolize everything Kingsisle did in 2018.

Wizards could sure use a breathing space for a bit, but they are used to getting spoiled now...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Willowydream on Dec 30, 2018 wrote:
I think the Decaversary (and Empyrea), managing as it did to involve just about everyone but the janitorial crew, did pretty much monopolize everything Kingsisle did in 2018.

Wizards could sure use a breathing space for a bit, but they are used to getting spoiled now...

They are, indeed, spoiled. So making them wait will be an excersize in character-building, yes?

May 30, 2010
anecorbie on Dec 27, 2018 wrote:
I can give one big reason why we didn't get a story up-date last year. The Wizard101 Decaversary, need I say more? KI was so focused on making this anniversary special that we got swept under the rug.

Not to mention Empyrea 1 & 2 and the end of the 3rd story arc for wizards ( and they're already asking for more story! I hope KI will make them wait while we get what is desperately needed. )
Yeah, but it feels like we're spending ALL our time being swept under the rug. Maybe they need to take up the rugs and let this bit of floor have some daylight and traffic too.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Fiorenza Rosanante... on Dec 31, 2018 wrote:
Yeah, but it feels like we're spending ALL our time being swept under the rug. Maybe they need to take up the rugs and let this bit of floor have some daylight and traffic too.
I didn't expect much this past year, I knew KI would focus on W101, after all, how many MMOs get ten years active play?
Let's just say that KI lived up to my expectations....

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
It would make my year, if KI would see fit to give us even a tiny hint of what's in store for P101.

Sep 19, 2012
howdy y'all

Seems to me I end of computer-less every time

So... I see we've gotten some more fun stuffs huh? Neatso TBH :3

I'm selfishly pleased to hear about gingerbread creatures being added in-game... ;D

I'm glad we got quality of life updates those were sorely needed.. but I bet more Is in store, too. I'm a good one for not giving up on this brilliant game, yet also feel that efficiency can sometimes be a slap in the face at times... Good news is that unlike previous years, they have been releasing more to p101 more regularly. Do I agree it's a bit minualistic? Yes

Ideally p101 should've had a story update released for its 5th B-Day, but the way the 2 games fall in holiday schedules, they end up competing :/

I think long-term goals for pirates via Dec management should have included extra planning 2 years previous as to how to be able to make sure the 2 big game bday updates were both satisfactorily prepared... W101 players that Play P101 Too Notice It Most..

That Said, This Game Has Roughly 70% Of It's Pirate Players Sandbagging.. Like Field Of Dreams Movie "If U Build It They Will Come" (BaCk)

Sorry For The Crazy Capitalisation I'm On My Phone....

Stormy Jen Silver