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What If Companions Could Do Dungeons For You

Jun 10, 2013
Today while playing Pirate 101 I had the idea what if I send companions out to do hard dungeons for me. I currently have 38 companions on my main privateer and most of them aren't doing anything at any given time, even overnight typically 55% of them are free. That said, here is my idea explained:

My thoughts are to allow companions to do the top 15 most hard/popular dungeons for you such as The Tower Of Moo Manchu. Each dungeon would work a little different but here is how The Tower Of Moo Manchu could work:

Step 1: Select 4 companions(equal amount to 4 pirates in a team running the tower) to send off to do The Tower Of Moo Manchu, these companions must be Level 55(equal amount to the lowest level gear dropped in the tower) or higher.

Step 2: Wait 3 hours for these companions to do the Tower Of Moo Manchu.

Step 3: At the end of 3 Hours make sure you have 8 spaces open in your Backpack as each companion can bring back 2 items(equal to their number of hands) plus 2 doubloons. There's a 30% chance 1 of the companions comes back on Bed Rest(without items and doubloons). Note: The 2 items each companion brings back can come from any of the 9 fights in the tower, which will make it harder to gear rare gear than running the tower yourself.

Step 4: Choose another dungeon or order, or wait 24 hours and send them to do The Tower Of Moo Manchu again. Note: Companions doing The Tower Of Moo Manchu would not count towards badge progress.

Any thoughts on this idea?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
RRRRZZZZ419 on Jan 29, 2018 wrote:
Today while playing Pirate 101 I had the idea what if I send companions out to do hard dungeons for me. I currently have 38 companions on my main privateer and most of them aren't doing anything at any given time, even overnight typically 55% of them are free. That said, here is my idea explained:

My thoughts are to allow companions to do the top 15 most hard/popular dungeons for you such as The Tower Of Moo Manchu. Each dungeon would work a little different but here is how The Tower Of Moo Manchu could work:

Step 1: Select 4 companions(equal amount to 4 pirates in a team running the tower) to send off to do The Tower Of Moo Manchu, these companions must be Level 55(equal amount to the lowest level gear dropped in the tower) or higher.

Step 2: Wait 3 hours for these companions to do the Tower Of Moo Manchu.

Step 3: At the end of 3 Hours make sure you have 8 spaces open in your Backpack as each companion can bring back 2 items(equal to their number of hands) plus 2 doubloons. There's a 30% chance 1 of the companions comes back on Bed Rest(without items and doubloons). Note: The 2 items each companion brings back can come from any of the 9 fights in the tower, which will make it harder to gear rare gear than running the tower yourself.

Step 4: Choose another dungeon or order, or wait 24 hours and send them to do The Tower Of Moo Manchu again. Note: Companions doing The Tower Of Moo Manchu would not count towards badge progress.

Any thoughts on this idea?
Yeah, this would be impossible to code; even IF it could be coded, you're sending your companions into a dangerous situation without their captain's guidance ( and in the case of Privateers NO buffs, shields or healing ).
Plus, this option wouldn't be any fun at all. Where's the excitement of going into the dungeon and fighting it out with the bad guys?
If you're too tired/bored to do a dungeon, then don't do it. And don't expect to be given prizes if you're too lazy to make the effort for them.

Oct 27, 2009
Sounds like the crew task for gear, scavenging, except taking less time and yielding more and, possibly, higher level gear. Maybe they could just add the Moo stuff as a rare drop to the scavenging loot table. It sounds like that is what you really want. If they were doing the dungeon, there is a chance you could return to find them all on bed rest, having been defeated. It might be a bit much, asking for this. I suspect there might be other things for our extra crew to do, whenever something like crafting or gardening gets added.