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Free Pirate Day

Jun 10, 2013
For 1 day this year Kingsisle should hold a "Free Pirate Day" where all areas in Pirate101 are free but only for 1 day. This might get new players to buy membership after spamming quests for hours on "Free Pirate Day".

Note: Free Pirate Day wouldn't give any other benefits of membership(examples: being able to post on the forums, larger backpack space).

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Oct 27, 2009
Sounds like a good idea. Even if they don't manage to get out of Skull Island on their quests, Member pirates could let them port and get sneak peeks at other worlds. I could see taking people for Spiral Cruises on my ship.

Petty Officer
Dec 31, 2009
Great idea, I bet it would breathe lots of new life into the game :)

Apr 21, 2015
I really like that idea! It'd be really great for players who aren't too sure about the game, but still intrigued nonetheless. I can see this becoming a yearly event, perhaps with a tie-in contest about designing an item that could be a promo for the day?? I'd love to see what fans can come up with for item designs.....

I can also see membership having a small discount for that day only. Sort of like when they have the "1st month is $4.95" deal every once in awhile?

I'd really like to see this happen!
(This would be an especially big thing if it came after the addition of a major update. *Hint hint wink wink to Kingsisle*)

Nov 01, 2013
RRRRZZZZ419 on Jan 13, 2018 wrote:
For 1 day this year Kingsisle should hold a "Free Pirate Day" where all areas in Pirate101 are free but only for 1 day. This might get new players to buy membership after spamming quests for hours on "Free Pirate Day".

Note: Free Pirate Day wouldn't give any other benefits of membership(examples: being able to post on the forums, larger backpack space).
Wow, that's an amazing idea!

And welcome to the Message Boards, Musicalmistress25!

Sep 19, 2012
Brilliant! even advertise it ahead of time? maybe do a week of it maybe so less coding fluctuation horror? as long as its in the week of september 19th i don't see the issue..

might also be a great time to have Birthday in September lol (get it? like christmas in July lol) could be a special re-roll time to celebrate being a pirate, since pirates tend to feel like their birthday competes with all the wiz halloween festival celebrations.. ya know i'm thinking it'd be neat to have it then.. o shoot meh >.< thats when wizards birthday month is :/ sigh nvm..

O! wait wait wait! free to all members of wizard? for a month? as a special birthday gift! O: it might really work out then! birthday boxes in pirates too! and if logged on p101 on during this time get the special birthday pavilion housing item from wiz, but for your home here on pirates! ooo we need a new pet then too.. like a birth-a-looney? could be a hybrid i suppose, buffaloon hybrid but see through like a balloon? or even make it a bird type loon xD though see through like twisted balloon creatures are would be so little birthday lion balloon pets, hybrid-making galore eventually, not re-colors but theme is creature shapes? (lol yw Decius and Tony i really do luvz yall i promise :3) O: could even be a mount?? I'd ride a balloon creature any type, even snakes! party room could get boxes too and be decorated with a table ad balloons and streamers.. o! a new housing item could be streamers that hang up like christmas lights do and even add happy birthday banner item.. birthday cake with glowing/dimming candles? xD or even exploding candle kind that makes popping sound lol.. wish we had interactive music instruments on here for our homes.. or even a placeable jam-out garage? xD so if people visited your house only people in or very very near that garage would hear the jamming lol.. ya & someday music players would be grand.. even tease us with it being added by popping one in the party room..

Jul 16, 2010
I like this idea a lot. It gives the players a great chance to experience more of the game and to get a real feel for it. I think it could bring in a lot of players.

Oct 27, 2009
stormyjensilverdra... on Feb 18, 2018 wrote:
Brilliant! even advertise it ahead of time? maybe do a week of it maybe so less coding fluctuation horror? as long as its in the week of september 19th i don't see the issue..

might also be a great time to have Birthday in September lol (get it? like christmas in July lol) could be a special re-roll time to celebrate being a pirate, since pirates tend to feel like their birthday competes with all the wiz halloween festival celebrations.. ya know i'm thinking it'd be neat to have it then.. o shoot meh >.< thats when wizards birthday month is :/ sigh nvm..

O! wait wait wait! free to all members of wizard? for a month? as a special birthday gift! O: it might really work out then! birthday boxes in pirates too! and if logged on p101 on during this time get the special birthday pavilion housing item from wiz, but for your home here on pirates! ooo we need a new pet then too.. like a birth-a-looney? could be a hybrid i suppose, buffaloon hybrid but see through like a balloon? or even make it a bird type loon xD though see through like twisted balloon creatures are would be so little birthday lion balloon pets, hybrid-making galore eventually, not re-colors but theme is creature shapes? (lol yw Decius and Tony i really do luvz yall i promise :3) O: could even be a mount?? I'd ride a balloon creature any type, even snakes! party room could get boxes too and be decorated with a table ad balloons and streamers.. o! a new housing item could be streamers that hang up like christmas lights do and even add happy birthday banner item.. birthday cake with glowing/dimming candles? xD or even exploding candle kind that makes popping sound lol.. wish we had interactive music instruments on here for our homes.. or even a placeable jam-out garage? xD so if people visited your house only people in or very very near that garage would hear the jamming lol.. ya & someday music players would be grand.. even tease us with it being added by popping one in the party room..

Some good ideas here. I like the idea of a balloon animal pet as a party room locked chest drop. I hope you add some of your ideas to the party room thread.

Mar 05, 2016
Yes..That would be great but what about the date? They could make an announcement saying that and maybe they could get a lot of players this way

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
SuperPirate893 on Feb 24, 2018 wrote:
Yes..That would be great but what about the date? They could make an announcement saying that and maybe they could get a lot of players this way
I believe "Talk Like a Pirate Day" ( September 9th? ) has been suggested. This would be the perfect day to celebrate being a pirate!