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Smashy/shooty needs to be able to use melee skills

Feb 25, 2012
Smashing an enemy in the face with a shield is no different than doing so with a hammer.
Chopping an enemy with the edge of a shield is no different than doing so with an axe.

There is absolutely no reason why the shields in Smashy/Shooty weapons shouldn't allow the use of melee abilities, and that problem needs to be fixed immediately.
The fact that they ever didn't for even a second leaves me absolutely dumbfounded.

Honestly I don't care how long the game has worked this incorrect way and I don't care that you did it on purpose: it is so wrong that this IS a bug, and a terrible one.
You made a mistake so terrible that's it's a bug.

As it currently stands, smashy/shooty might as well not exist.
Nobody will ever use them in this state.
The melee classes lose everything they have by equipping one, and there is zero reason for a Musketeer to take the range/damage loss with one without being able to use melee abilities.

Side affect: Because other shooty/melee combo weapons remove all range, the fact that smashy/shoot is completey broken means that there is only one class for Musketeers to use as as secondary.
Sure they'll grab the heal from Privateer like everyone does, but without smashy/shooty being fixed as a Musketeer it's only worth using Witchdoctor as a secondary.
Variety killed by one weapon type's failure.

Fix it.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
The Song on Dec 11, 2017 wrote:
Smashing an enemy in the face with a shield is no different than doing so with a hammer.
Chopping an enemy with the edge of a shield is no different than doing so with an axe.

There is absolutely no reason why the shields in Smashy/Shooty weapons shouldn't allow the use of melee abilities, and that problem needs to be fixed immediately.
The fact that they ever didn't for even a second leaves me absolutely dumbfounded.

Honestly I don't care how long the game has worked this incorrect way and I don't care that you did it on purpose: it is so wrong that this IS a bug, and a terrible one.
You made a mistake so terrible that's it's a bug.

As it currently stands, smashy/shooty might as well not exist.
Nobody will ever use them in this state.
The melee classes lose everything they have by equipping one, and there is zero reason for a Musketeer to take the range/damage loss with one without being able to use melee abilities.

Side affect: Because other shooty/melee combo weapons remove all range, the fact that smashy/shoot is completey broken means that there is only one class for Musketeers to use as as secondary.
Sure they'll grab the heal from Privateer like everyone does, but without smashy/shooty being fixed as a Musketeer it's only worth using Witchdoctor as a secondary.
Variety killed by one weapon type's failure.

Fix it.
Just one question: How do you smash someone who is beyond the range of a damage attack? Also, you might consider being more polite in your requests, rather than demanding a fix or even accusing KI developers of negligence.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
I forgot to note one other thing: you can use that shield to attack if you have melee attacks ( trained or from gear ) in your deck.

Apr 28, 2012
If you want to use a Smashy attack, then you have to be next to them on the Battleboard. With a Smashy/Shooty weapon, if you want to use the Smashy attack and you are not right next to them, you will first have to move next to them (and hope they don't move away) and then you can attack them next turn with the Smashy attack. Otherwise, the game assumes that you want to use the Shooty attack.

Oct 27, 2009
When the enemy is close enough to walk right next to them, I wish it let us approach and attack them on one turn, rather than treating us only as a moving shooter who can only attack (shoot) or move. For someone who uses such a smashy/ shooty weapon which is strength based, it seems to take you out of the melee class. Shooters who use combo weapons that are shooty/ stabby, or Shooty/slashy, you loose the ability to shoot at long range, and become melee only, with the ranged attack cards only working if you are next to the one you attack. I guess that's how it works, but it seems wrong to me too, that they don't let you use both melee and ranged attacks in the way those normally work. Rather than being a combo weapon, which can be used as back-up to your regular class, these are more more a Convert me to Ranged or Convert me to Melee class weapons. I imagine if they changed this, people would say these weapons became overpowered. I do agree with The Song's logic of how a shield hit would logically work, and think he has a good point about Musketeers tending to have Shooty/ Wand as their viable attack choice. The main reason to use these seems to be, you are ranged class, but you'd really rather play as melee, or melee class who'd rather play ranged. For one who likes their own class, but wants to use the occasional other class ability or attack, and who really likes the way carrying a shield looks, you are out of luck. Yes, I'm thinking about stitching a weapon to something with a shield. Just wondering what the attack animations would play like. Might be possible the wrong animation would play.

Feb 25, 2012
anecorbie on Dec 11, 2017 wrote:
I forgot to note one other thing: you can use that shield to attack if you have melee attacks ( trained or from gear ) in your deck.
No you can't.

Any melee powers you have will be marked as unusable in your powers page and they won't even appear on your hotbar during combat.

If you were right and you could use the shield for melee attacks, I wouldn't have made this thread.
I tried to do this, and when I found out how this (doesn't) work, I had to waste crowns getting my training points back.

Feb 25, 2012
The Helpful Pirate on Dec 17, 2017 wrote:
If you want to use a Smashy attack, then you have to be next to them on the Battleboard. With a Smashy/Shooty weapon, if you want to use the Smashy attack and you are not right next to them, you will first have to move next to them (and hope they don't move away) and then you can attack them next turn with the Smashy attack. Otherwise, the game assumes that you want to use the Shooty attack.
You can't use the melee attacks period.
They will be marked as unusable in your powers page and won't appear on your hotbar in combat.