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Can't redeem gifts

Dec 27, 2011
Whenever I try to redeem my gifts, I get the message "failed to redeem".

Jul 16, 2014

You might try logging out and back in, or switching characters and then trying to accept the gift again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
First Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Bonnie Anne on Feb 17, 2015 wrote:

You might try logging out and back in, or switching characters and then trying to accept the gift again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have the same problem and I've tried your solution.... many times. I recently bought the Admiral's bundle and can't redeem anything

Dec 27, 2011
I've done all that and still can't get them. Sigh...

May 30, 2010
Fardpisle on Feb 16, 2015 wrote:
Whenever I try to redeem my gifts, I get the message "failed to redeem".
One thing I've noticed is that I get the "item failed to redeem" bug when I've recently been looking in my backpack (or at my crew). Shifting pirates and then moving back to the one I want to get the goodies and redeeming before I look at my backpack seems to help, when shifting pirates alone didn't work.

Do be sure you have room in your backpack for the item before redeeming it.

Nov 11, 2012
happened Only Once. probably nothing to worry about

Apr 28, 2012
The solution that Bonnie Anne talks about does work. I have two versions of it.

Version 1. Using the drop down Gear Menu (Help and Options), click on the Select Pirate option (brings up the Pirate Selection Screen). Choose a different Pirate (not the one you are trying to redeem the gift on) and press Play. Go back to the Pirate Selection Screen and choose the Pirate you want to redeem the gift for and press Play. BEFORE doing anything else, redeem the gift.

Version 2. If version 1 did not work, exit the Pirate101 game. Restart the game, select the Pirate you want to redeem the gift, press Play, and Immediately redeem the gift.

So far this has worked every time I've had a problem with redeeming gifts.

Good Luck.