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Name changer please

Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2013
Can you guys add a name changer? I have some characters with really stupid names and I'm probably not the only one.

Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2013
I can't be the only one with dumb names, especially you people who chose random when creating a character.

Nov 03, 2012
As much as I would like to change my name, alas I think it's too big of a change. Your friends wouldn't recognize you. Your name is something that will be stuck with your pirate for life. On the off off off off chance that they do add it. They should make it cost an extreme amount of crowns.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Think of it this way, Cat, we're not consulted when our parents name us, and I'm sure some of us wish they had given us a better name ( or at least not named us after a horse they once had; true story, don't get me started...)
However, a one-time name change for crowns might be the way to go here, otherwise some people would be changing their name every week and we wouldn't be able to keep up with our friend's changes.

Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2013
I've played other games where you can change it one too, and it sounds better than changing it never.

May 30, 2010
anecorbie on Jan 25, 2015 wrote:
Think of it this way, Cat, we're not consulted when our parents name us, and I'm sure some of us wish they had given us a better name ( or at least not named us after a horse they once had; true story, don't get me started...)
However, a one-time name change for crowns might be the way to go here, otherwise some people would be changing their name every week and we wouldn't be able to keep up with our friend's changes.
Was it at least a good horse?

Other than accidentally leaving on an adjective, I picked my names, so no one is to blame but me if I now think the name is rather less well chosen than I would like.

That said, I'd like to be able to alter the adjectives occasionally, although not to change the name entirely. I might have started out clumsy, but once I grew into my feet I got better, for example (Is clumsy even one of the options?). But I think that it should a) cost a baby fortune (or a grown-up one if gold, not crowns) and b) have time-limits. So I don't get to change it every other week, once I pick it, it stays with me for at least 6 months. Just as nicknames take a while to evolve and stick, so should our new handles.

May 09, 2013
anecorbie on Jan 25, 2015 wrote:
Think of it this way, Cat, we're not consulted when our parents name us, and I'm sure some of us wish they had given us a better name ( or at least not named us after a horse they once had; true story, don't get me started...)
However, a one-time name change for crowns might be the way to go here, otherwise some people would be changing their name every week and we wouldn't be able to keep up with our friend's changes.
To be honest the name changer thing has been on my mind quite a bit too. I've just not been sure how to word it. I'm all for it. Albeit a one-time thing in exchange for gold/crowns.

Think of it this way. In real life, if you don't like the name given to you at birth, then legally you are allowed to change it (when of age). Granted this does come at a cost, both monetary and the risk of jumping through bureaucratic hoops.

If people are willing to treat our avatars as they would irl (I kinda care for my lil swashy but don't like having the adjective at the start anymore. Came into the game not knowing you could opt out of it), why could we not pay a price for a name change?