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Glitched Mini Games

Aug 02, 2011
Ok so this has happened repeatedly for me, when I attempt to play a mini game the screen blinks and begins to show all of the objects in the game as black they then randomly flash on the screen. This is me asking for help and if others have encountered this problem or any with mini games. I know your all very busy at Kingsisle but when I asked for help via email they respondent couldn't really help me.
Thank you all,
A Bugged pirate

Nov 11, 2012
and finally, when did this start happening? and do you play minigames very often? i'm no administrator but i am just saying. i can try to help you.

Aug 02, 2011
This has been happening for about 2 months now I don't play mini-games very often now that they don't really work. My brother has also been experiencing this problem. Thanks

Nov 11, 2012
do you have a fast or slow computer? i will try to do as much as minigames and play them until i see what happens, try to uninstall pirate101 and restart then install again then try to play it if that doesn't work go to tell the administrators at'> and tell what happened

Nov 11, 2012
oh yeah and which minigames does this happen to all of them or some of them list them for me so i can try them out and find your problem you have, and i don't get glitches so much even though theres hundreds of glitches in pirate101 i only had like 3 glitches only, sorry for hearing that glitch happening to you, i will try to help you in the best way i can.

Aug 02, 2011
So it happens in every one of the games. Now I'm going to try and uninstall/re-install to see if that helps. Thanks for the help Mr. Privateer!

Nov 11, 2012
Yer welcome pirate.
Quick Max Blake Lvl65 Privateer