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Mustang Sally, Need Help!

Jun 25, 2013
Hey all,

I recently defeated the Duck of Death (LOVE that movie reference by the way!!) on Boot hill in Cool Ranch. And I've spoken to the 'first' El Toro's ghost. I was on a quest to find and reunite Mustang Sally with the current El Toro, but somehow I've seemed to have strayed off track. I managed to get back to Skull Island and I remember talking to the Frogfather and Gortez, but now I'm totally lost and have no idea where to pick up the story line again...

Any and all help you be greatly appreciated!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Acheron87 on Aug 14, 2015 wrote:
Hey all,

I recently defeated the Duck of Death (LOVE that movie reference by the way!!) on Boot hill in Cool Ranch. And I've spoken to the 'first' El Toro's ghost. I was on a quest to find and reunite Mustang Sally with the current El Toro, but somehow I've seemed to have strayed off track. I managed to get back to Skull Island and I remember talking to the Frogfather and Gortez, but now I'm totally lost and have no idea where to pick up the story line again...

Any and all help you be greatly appreciated!
You need to return to Scorpion Rock to reclaim the missing ring of the first El Toro ( did you remember to speak to Tonka after the Mausoleum of the De La Vegas? ) Is it in your quest log?

Jul 05, 2013
First, I have to say that puppet show about the duck is creepy. A duck drunk with rage and consumed with utter fury trading in his soul to some demon spirit for just vengance? Kinda reminds me of the Exorcist with the whole devil-possesion thing....

Well, I think you're around the point when the current El Toro wants Sally back but she's locked up on a failed rescue attempt so you go about doing TONS of favors until you bust Sally out, and then you deal with the problem in Tumbleweed.

Sep 15, 2014
From what I remember it's either you talk to one-eyed jack, or you go to the scurvy dog hideout and in the temple above you talk to someone.

EDIT: This is what happens a bit after where you are at!