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Treasure Chests and Movement

Apr 28, 2012
When I open a treasure chest and immediately start moving to my next location, there is a pause in the movement while the amount of Gold displays over my Pirate's head. This can cause a problem if, at the same time, I am also changing the direction that I am moving in. What appears to happen is the delay causes me to change my direction too far and I run into a wall or off a ledge. This has happened to me when getting the chest behind the Miracle Shack. One possible solution: while the delay is occurring, my movement forward and/or direction change stops until the delay is over.

First Mate
Mar 30, 2011
Hmmm, this has never happened to me before, perhaps just wait until the gold amount displays? At least until KI fixes your problem.

Apr 28, 2012
It's happening both in the Live Realm and the Test Realm. The effect is worse in the Test Realm.