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Where are the ladies at?

Aug 23, 2009
I'm a level 37 and its a bit ridiculous that I have only received one female companion (Bonnie Anne, who I absolutely love) from quests. I have also purchased every female available to me so far in the crown shop, which adds up to a grand total of 4 female companions for my pirate (compared to about 15 or so males, none of whom were purchased from the crown shop.) Now I'm at the stage in the game when I have to wait almost 2 hours for one of them to heal up after they're defeated, so after a few rough battles I may only have male companions to choose from and that's not okay. I love having an all female team, and it should be just as easy to have one as it is to have an all male team. I know there's more to come for me as I get through the story, but I shouldn't have to wait. I'm excited for Shiruku Neko, I'm excited for Zeena, and I'm excited for Gracie. These characters all look fantastic but they're so far off and I need more companions to work with as the rest times get longer and longer. The KingsIsle games have always been great at appealing to a wide and diverse audience of players, so it's a bit strange that women and girls are so left out of the actual battling (they could also use more important roles in the story. I think Jane is the only women with a name who's appeared in the puppet shows for me so far.) A female buccaneer would be nice too. Is there even one?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Kanitae on Jul 27, 2015 wrote:
I'm a level 37 and its a bit ridiculous that I have only received one female companion (Bonnie Anne, who I absolutely love) from quests. I have also purchased every female available to me so far in the crown shop, which adds up to a grand total of 4 female companions for my pirate (compared to about 15 or so males, none of whom were purchased from the crown shop.) Now I'm at the stage in the game when I have to wait almost 2 hours for one of them to heal up after they're defeated, so after a few rough battles I may only have male companions to choose from and that's not okay. I love having an all female team, and it should be just as easy to have one as it is to have an all male team. I know there's more to come for me as I get through the story, but I shouldn't have to wait. I'm excited for Shiruku Neko, I'm excited for Zeena, and I'm excited for Gracie. These characters all look fantastic but they're so far off and I need more companions to work with as the rest times get longer and longer. The KingsIsle games have always been great at appealing to a wide and diverse audience of players, so it's a bit strange that women and girls are so left out of the actual battling (they could also use more important roles in the story. I think Jane is the only women with a name who's appeared in the puppet shows for me so far.) A female buccaneer would be nice too. Is there even one?
Hi Kinitae, welcome to the message boards.
Not to worry, you will soon have lots of lively ladies in your crew.
Here is a guide to what class will get which ones.

First Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Kanitae on Jul 27, 2015 wrote:
I'm a level 37 and its a bit ridiculous that I have only received one female companion (Bonnie Anne, who I absolutely love) from quests. I have also purchased every female available to me so far in the crown shop, which adds up to a grand total of 4 female companions for my pirate (compared to about 15 or so males, none of whom were purchased from the crown shop.) Now I'm at the stage in the game when I have to wait almost 2 hours for one of them to heal up after they're defeated, so after a few rough battles I may only have male companions to choose from and that's not okay. I love having an all female team, and it should be just as easy to have one as it is to have an all male team. I know there's more to come for me as I get through the story, but I shouldn't have to wait. I'm excited for Shiruku Neko, I'm excited for Zeena, and I'm excited for Gracie. These characters all look fantastic but they're so far off and I need more companions to work with as the rest times get longer and longer. The KingsIsle games have always been great at appealing to a wide and diverse audience of players, so it's a bit strange that women and girls are so left out of the actual battling (they could also use more important roles in the story. I think Jane is the only women with a name who's appeared in the puppet shows for me so far.) A female buccaneer would be nice too. Is there even one?
I do agree. The companions need to be more diverse in gender. Now, that being said, my favorite companions to use in the game (Fan, Sarah, Nausica, and Bonnie) are girls. Quality vs. Quantity (though I don't see why it can't be both.)

Aug 23, 2009
Unlocked Nadya and and Sally today. Love them It's still super frustrating with the bed rest system though... I wish Fan Flanders was available in the crown shop. I want Nausica, she looks great, but $40 is steep for one companion when I don't really care about the rest of the bundle. If they wanted to add a new female companion to have available at an early stage, maybe a mermaid companion in Skull Island? Seems like it could be interesting. A female skeleton would be cool too.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Kanitae on Jul 28, 2015 wrote:
Unlocked Nadya and and Sally today. Love them It's still super frustrating with the bed rest system though... I wish Fan Flanders was available in the crown shop. I want Nausica, she looks great, but $40 is steep for one companion when I don't really care about the rest of the bundle. If they wanted to add a new female companion to have available at an early stage, maybe a mermaid companion in Skull Island? Seems like it could be interesting. A female skeleton would be cool too.
There's not much difference between male and female skeletons ( unless you're trained to spot those differences ). I guess you could put the lady in a dress.
I've wanted a mermaid companion since forever! On Wizard101There's two characters that would fit well in Pirate: Calypso and the Lady of the Lake. One of my wizards has the Little Siren pet and I wish we could have something similar.
So now you have these females to get:
Shiruko Nekko
Gracie Conrad