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Jun 06, 2014
Can every pirate be able to stitch and unstitch for a small fee of 5000 gold? if you can make this possible, I would feel so Sincerely, Fiery Nicholas Walker

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
fearles antonio on Mar 20, 2015 wrote:
Can every pirate be able to stitch and unstitch for a small fee of 5000 gold? if you can make this possible, I would feel so Sincerely, Fiery Nicholas Walker
Ahoy, Fiery Nicholas! I feel that 100 crowns is a very modest fee, and those crowns can be earned by doing KI trivia quizzes! In fact I do this all the time, whenever I get a piece of desirable gear that looks dreadful ( imo ) I just go to the Shop category, click earn crowns on the menu, do those quizzes, then I'm stitchin' away!