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Cool Ranch skyway music thoughts...

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ahoy! I enjoy the music in Cool Ranch, for it holds some of my favorite themes heard in it's lands, but, I do have something to say about the Skyway music. El Kaboing, if you're around, hear my thoughts, if you've time.

The music in most of the skyways, I feel that the themes that are played in Cool Ranch's numerous lands, they just don't feel that the themes fit with the mood of sailing the world's Skyways. I know that Junction is one of these places that properly plays the world's Skyway theme that is supposed to be shared for most Skyways, save for certain Skyways that shares their proper themes for their respective Skyways, like Tumbleweed. In any case, I kindly ask you to swap out the improperly placed music themes heard in Cool Ranch's lands to have Cool Ranch's Skyway theme properly played in most of the world's Skyways. That music felt very fitting to the mood of the Skyways of Cool Ranch.

Speaking of Tumbleweed Skyway, while I appreciate that the Monquista music that was improperly placed in Tumbleweed Skyway, the theme, while proper for most of the world's Skyways, still doesn't feel that the theme fits Tumbleweed's mood. I remember that Skyway playing it's proper theme before it wasn't heard for longer. I ask you to return Tumbleweed's proper Skyway theme. I heard it in the Duck of Death Puppet Show, albeit in a proper music pitch tone that's familiarly suited like the music heard in the US' TV shows, but that's just an example.

These are the thoughts of Cool Ranch's music that I just had to get out my head for quite some time. I hope you can hear my requests. Thanks again for listening!