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Dungeon ToolTips

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ahoy, there!

While I embarked on quests that require Pirates to go and complete an Instance Dungeon, I noticed that there are no ToolTips that explain Pirates how Dungeons work & the rules of Dungeons, once us Pirates accept certain quests that require to go into an instance and complete them.

Normally, in Wizard101, select bosses &/or final bosses that haven't been encountered by Wizards yet in Dungeons once Wizards accept certain quests that require Wizards to complete instances to progress, merely those in the game's first major story arc focused on Malistaire Drake, usually have a ToolTip that had these bosses taunt them about braving the dangers in Dungeons & explain & remind Wizards the rules of Dungeons, that is to say, for example, "Only four at a time can be in a Dungeon, so bring your best warriors. And when everyone leaves, the level will reset in a short amount of time.", & "You can replay this Dungeon, allowing you to gain additional unique Loot, but only if you survive.". I'm sure those of you who have been playing Wizard101 remember these lines.

Please, I would kindly request of you to add in ToolTips that explains the rules of Dungeons, along with new ToolTips about the rules of Gauntlets & how Gauntlets work differently from a normal Dungeon, from select bosses &/or final bosses in the game, along with a reminder about select bosses in Dungeons using cheats to try to gain victory in these ToolTips. If we've already completed these quests, the ToolTips should be instantly added to the others we've heard so far in the "Replay Tutorial Tips" part of the Game Options section, the one with the gold gear on it.

Just thought I would bring this up to your attention.

Thanks once again for listening!

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
To those of you who may not know, I call Tutorial Tips ToolTips, for short, for they give Pirates timely information, however, I feel that there aren't any Tutorial Tips for select adventure instances, however, rather than hearing them by accepting quests that have us go into instances, they should be played at the moment we approach the select instances' entry Sigils, those that are actual Dungeons, & Gauntlets, too, not the ones that have just bosses/enemies only. I noticed that there aren't any of these Tutorial Tips through our adventures, not unlike how Wizard101 has them for the first arc, but not many to later Dungeons in the second arc & to side Dungeons/Gauntlets, too.

I can imagine dialogue lines for select instances' Tutorial Tips, & here's some of them I may have thought of. Just a little something to have.

Pyramid of Fire Tip

Ch'ok Ak'ab: Living flesh walker! You dare to defy my power in the Pyramid of Fire?! For this, you'll feel my unforgiving wrath in my Dungeon!

Marie Celestia Tip

The Floating Dutchman: So, ye've come to steal me Golden Hook in me wrecked ship? Not on yer life, Pirate! The Marie Celestia is my Dungeon, and ye'll never live to tell the tale!

Skull Cap Cove Tip

The Master: Foolish shelless Captain! You dare to oppose my genius? Never! I'll make you and your crew my willing slaves, once I'm done with you in my Dungeon!

Presidio Tip:

El Nebuloso: Halt, you foolish gangly giant! The Presidio is Monquistan territory and my Dungeon! If you dare to cross us here, you'll know and feel the true wrath the Monquistan Crown!

Volcano! Tip

Waponi Witchdoctor: Stop! You not welcome in our Volcano, Pirate! This our Dungeon! Chumba Wumba says so! Be gone, or you be sorry!

Bandit Cave Tip

Inoshishi Clanlord: Be gone from this place, Pirate! This is my Dungeon! You will never survive in here!

I can think of more, but I don't want to stretch too far. What do you think? Anybody else thought of more lines for more instances' ToolTips?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Trimond297 on Jan 25, 2015 wrote:
Ahoy, there!

While I embarked on quests that require Pirates to go and complete an Instance Dungeon, I noticed that there are no ToolTips that explain Pirates how Dungeons work & the rules of Dungeons, once us Pirates accept certain quests that require to go into an instance and complete them.

Normally, in Wizard101, select bosses &/or final bosses that haven't been encountered by Wizards yet in Dungeons once Wizards accept certain quests that require Wizards to complete instances to progress, merely those in the game's first major story arc focused on Malistaire Drake, usually have a ToolTip that had these bosses taunt them about braving the dangers in Dungeons & explain & remind Wizards the rules of Dungeons, that is to say, for example, "Only four at a time can be in a Dungeon, so bring your best warriors. And when everyone leaves, the level will reset in a short amount of time.", & "You can replay this Dungeon, allowing you to gain additional unique Loot, but only if you survive.". I'm sure those of you who have been playing Wizard101 remember these lines.

Please, I would kindly request of you to add in ToolTips that explains the rules of Dungeons, along with new ToolTips about the rules of Gauntlets & how Gauntlets work differently from a normal Dungeon, from select bosses &/or final bosses in the game, along with a reminder about select bosses in Dungeons using cheats to try to gain victory in these ToolTips. If we've already completed these quests, the ToolTips should be instantly added to the others we've heard so far in the "Replay Tutorial Tips" part of the Game Options section, the one with the gold gear on it.

Just thought I would bring this up to your attention.

Thanks once again for listening!
I think that Pirate101 was meant for a slightly older demographic than when Wizard101 was implemented. Those so-called tips are cartoonish and quickly become annoying. Please don't add.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
anecorbie on Mar 20, 2015 wrote:
I think that Pirate101 was meant for a slightly older demographic than when Wizard101 was implemented. Those so-called tips are cartoonish and quickly become annoying. Please don't add.
Just remember what they said before, "Don't judge a book by it's cover.". I'm not disagreeing about this or anything like it. Also, remember, we have the Sigil Tutorial Tip, but currently not a Tutorial Tip about Dungeons, a Tutorial Tip about Gauntlets & Tutorial Tips named after the adventure instances that had the villainous enemies &/or bosses taunt us before going in through the Sigils, so I felt that this suggestion could follow suit to W101's Tutorial Tips. Besides, I haven't heard any like them through my adventures, you know, & many previous long-time players that have played W101 way before P101 launched would feel the same, too. I know that not everyone may like it, but, we should just give it a chance. Not every Tutorial Tip that are named after the adventure instances have to require select enemies/bosses to tell Pirates about the Dungeon rules(though, that could be reserved for Boochbeard & Gandry, along with Gauntlets, too), just only have them taunt the Pirates the moment they step to their entry Sigils before entering into Dungeons.

P101's demographic, sure, it has a bit slightly older demographic, but, nevertheless, it still retains the same motif W101 does, fun and challenging at the same time for children who are 10 years old & above & adults alike.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ok, granted that after remembering them, W101's earlier specific enemies' &/or bosses' Tutorial Tips that explain the rules of dungeons can get pretty annoying real quick to many players, but, the only thing I enjoyed in these tips are the taunting threats they give out to Wizards before they go into dungeons, especially those that don't & only just give out taunts & threats in later tips.

Nevertheless, I'm not asking for P101's Tutorial Tips named after select major dungeons, the ones that have adventures, not the minor dungeons, those that have only enemy mobs or just a boss, to have specific enemies/bosses tell Pirates about the rules of dungeons & gauntlets. That can be reserved for Boochbeard & Gandry. What I'm asking of is to have the Tutorial Tips named after specific major dungeons to have specific enemies/bosses threaten Pirates before going in, and nothing more.