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Bling! Bling! Ship Races at some point?

Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2011
I think it would be a very good idea to introduce ship races to the game.

Pirates can queue for a race through an obstacle course with the rewards being points that would add up to getting unique COSMETIC that can be stitched with ship parts already available in game. This way, game designers do not have to worry about recreating the wheel of inventing new ship parts and then having some becoming overpowered when compared with ship parts already readily available in game.

Essentially: offer those who choose a way to "bling" out their ships that won't "break" the game.

If the cost of these COSMETIC items aren't ridiculously high (they can be ranked), I think it would be another interesting thing to do in game. The tier or ranked items could even be introduced on a set schedule. And, to keep it fair, only those on the same level can queue to race other people of their same level. No worrying about a captain rank pirate racer trolling someone on their first race as an easy way to gain points.

Dec 06, 2012
aaronlightwalker on Dec 19, 2015 wrote:
I think it would be a very good idea to introduce ship races to the game.

Pirates can queue for a race through an obstacle course with the rewards being points that would add up to getting unique COSMETIC that can be stitched with ship parts already available in game. This way, game designers do not have to worry about recreating the wheel of inventing new ship parts and then having some becoming overpowered when compared with ship parts already readily available in game.

Essentially: offer those who choose a way to "bling" out their ships that won't "break" the game.

If the cost of these COSMETIC items aren't ridiculously high (they can be ranked), I think it would be another interesting thing to do in game. The tier or ranked items could even be introduced on a set schedule. And, to keep it fair, only those on the same level can queue to race other people of their same level. No worrying about a captain rank pirate racer trolling someone on their first race as an easy way to gain points.
I like this idea.

Nov 01, 2013
aaronlightwalker on Dec 19, 2015 wrote:
I think it would be a very good idea to introduce ship races to the game.

Pirates can queue for a race through an obstacle course with the rewards being points that would add up to getting unique COSMETIC that can be stitched with ship parts already available in game. This way, game designers do not have to worry about recreating the wheel of inventing new ship parts and then having some becoming overpowered when compared with ship parts already readily available in game.

Essentially: offer those who choose a way to "bling" out their ships that won't "break" the game.

If the cost of these COSMETIC items aren't ridiculously high (they can be ranked), I think it would be another interesting thing to do in game. The tier or ranked items could even be introduced on a set schedule. And, to keep it fair, only those on the same level can queue to race other people of their same level. No worrying about a captain rank pirate racer trolling someone on their first race as an easy way to gain points.
Yes, Aaronlightwalker, that's a very good idea! I like that and I hope Pirate101 uses it!

Thanks and Good Hunting,

- Helpful Aurora Parker, Level 22 Swashbuckler

Dec 06, 2012
There shouldn't be items, Though. Cause someone could race in their skull island raft, Freeze everyone else and then zoom ahead.

Jun 02, 2013
darkmoordude on Jan 14, 2016 wrote:
There shouldn't be items, Though. Cause someone could race in their skull island raft, Freeze everyone else and then zoom ahead.
In the end the aquilian skiff is the fastest ship in the game as of now, yeah the raft may be the lightest sleep but you can't get good gear for the raft, gear can affect turning speed, acceleration, and boost speed which at lower levels with lower level upgrades makes the raft worse, using the aquilian skiff with the crown gear would be the fastest ship in the game as of now

Nov 01, 2013
aaronlightwalker on Dec 19, 2015 wrote:
I think it would be a very good idea to introduce ship races to the game.

Pirates can queue for a race through an obstacle course with the rewards being points that would add up to getting unique COSMETIC that can be stitched with ship parts already available in game. This way, game designers do not have to worry about recreating the wheel of inventing new ship parts and then having some becoming overpowered when compared with ship parts already readily available in game.

Essentially: offer those who choose a way to "bling" out their ships that won't "break" the game.

If the cost of these COSMETIC items aren't ridiculously high (they can be ranked), I think it would be another interesting thing to do in game. The tier or ranked items could even be introduced on a set schedule. And, to keep it fair, only those on the same level can queue to race other people of their same level. No worrying about a captain rank pirate racer trolling someone on their first race as an easy way to gain points.
I love that idea and I was thinking if maybe I could make some different ideas about different parts of this "Ship Racing". There should also be just races. Like, you could have a Mount Race, where you could race with mounts (I got this idea from a friend on Pirate101 named Chloe something because we actually did that in Circus Maximus ) and another could be Marathons, where you can just race other friends by running.

"And, to keep it fair, only those on the same level can queue to race other people of their same level."

I don't exactly think that's the best idea even though it would make the game much more fun, but in PvP you can have Level 1 against Level 65 and Pirate101 doesn't really change that. I am Level 23 (when this happened I was Level 22, but you get the point) and I remember battling a Level 7 guy in PvP, or even my friend Fearless Griffin Davenport is Level 5! So, I think it's okay to have different Levels in these Ship Races, even though you can of course have tie-Levels as well.

Thanks and Good Hunting,

- Helpful Aurora Parker, Level 23 Swashbuckler