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Purge epidemic

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Thomas Sunhammer on Oct 28, 2015 wrote:
Saying that everyone can have DOES NOT MEAN that it WORKS the same on everyone. That is like saying two types of schools are the same which is just not true.

Yes can have the same companions and maybe carry have a cloak in your gear. But that doesnt mean it works the same for everyone. Other schools dont have poison. Not everyone has AoE's that can hit through the shadows. No one else can protect their companions by cloaking them too while they set up the window for purging. (You do need to create the right cirucmstances for it be most effective or you will just end up punishing yourself. Truth is only buckler have the resources to set it up that way.) The fact of the matter is in the hands of a skilled buckler purge is TOO strong.

If you honestly think one school can use a spell just as well as another school. Then your seriously confused. Only thing that works the same for all are shields. Everything else even heals varry depending a players stats. And bucklers have to much.

So this entire argument is actually kind of pointless.
Yes, this argument is entirely pointless, as you have closed your mind to any possibility of countering or even using a purge yourself.
Your constant carping on this theme boils down to: "I'm right, you're wrong and anything you say contrary to my assertion is 'denial' and therefore negated."

Gunner's Mate
Dec 16, 2009
Thomas Sunhammer on Oct 28, 2015 wrote:
Obviously you didnt read what I wrote. If i ran I would have died anyway. I was still taking a lot of damage AND you could add bleeding damage and physical damage on top of it while my measly 25% fort was all I had to work with. Welcome to over powered moves.

Running would have done nothing cloaking would have done nothing. So yes its over powered. Or rather it over powers the moves we bucklers already have which are already super strong. But your welcome to stay in denial if you want.
Obviously you didnt read what I wrote. If i ran I would have died anyway. I was still taking a lot of damage AND you could add bleeding damage and physical damage on top of it while my measly 25% fort was all I had to work with. Welcome to over powered moves.

No I could not have-I was wearing a staffy weapon which means I had no access to assassin's strike which means I had no damage from bleeding or any damage from physical strikes. In fact my entire set up revolves around using the staffy weapon to get scratch's buff at a range with poison as my main damage dealer with support from scorpions. If you had paid attention and noticed I had a staffy weapon then you could have decided to run and quite possibly won the game. So once again purge cannot be countered if
-your opponent is ignorant of it's existence
-your opponent is ignorant of it's mechanics
-your opponent forgets to factor in key components of the fight.

So it seems I'm not the one in denial....

Feb 02, 2013
anecorbie on Oct 26, 2015 wrote:
I can't believe that this has been over-looked in this thread:
1. Witches train Purge Magic
2. Carcarius Grimtooth has Purge Magic as one of his powers
3. Witches can use the Sprocket Key ( Purge Magic ) from Bishop, giving them access to 3 Purges!
Why has no one suggested that Witchdoctors do this??????
No one else has access to more than one Purge, so how is this such a problem for anyone?
because carc is bad and useless once he uses it, basically a DEAD FISH(ha see what i did there, hes a shark, and hes useless after so hes a basically a dead fish, im so funny) in the water afterwards