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Timer needed for Players not making moves.

Apr 28, 2012
If the other team does not respond or make a move in two turns, I think a timer should start counting down starting at two or three minutes. It doesn't make sense when one team is down to one Companion with very few hit points and they won't finish the match. The only explanation that I can think of is that somehow they got logged off yet the program continued on as if they were still there. Hopefully, this was tested (a player being logged off) before this update moved to the Live Realm.

This happened on Aug 6, 2015 at 3:25 pm PDT. My Pirate (Blaze Usher) was dueling with Marcus Noble. He did not move or do anything and his timer kept timing out. Since he was not attacking, this match could have gone on forever because all I had to do was stay away from his units. I finally got tired of running around and attacked even though I knew I was going to be defeated.