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My friend has this problem about ratbeard

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
My friend and I started marleybone. He forgot to promote ratbeard for the second time, but since catbeard was in jail he cant speak to him! is there a way he can promote him? (I personally find it funny)

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Ryanbold2 on Feb 19, 2015 wrote:
My friend and I started marleybone. He forgot to promote ratbeard for the second time, but since catbeard was in jail he cant speak to him! is there a way he can promote him? (I personally find it funny)
Yes, always do a companion promotion immediately ( if possible ). Your friend must contact Support for help in this or wait until he/she's sprung RB.

Oct 12, 2012
Ryanbold2 on Feb 19, 2015 wrote:
My friend and I started marleybone. He forgot to promote ratbeard for the second time, but since catbeard was in jail he cant speak to him! is there a way he can promote him? (I personally find it funny)
So I did this during Marleybone too on my witchdoctor you just have to free catbeard first and then you can resume your questing (same thing for bonnie anne) POINT: DO YOUR PROMOTIONS!

May 30, 2010
I'm afraid your friend is stuck until he gets Catbeard out of stir, sorry.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Ryanbold2 on Feb 19, 2015 wrote:
My friend and I started marleybone. He forgot to promote ratbeard for the second time, but since catbeard was in jail he cant speak to him! is there a way he can promote him? (I personally find it funny)
Nope, you have to wait until you spring him from prison. Then he will show up back in his cave.

Apr 28, 2012
Since Catbeard is now in jail, your friend won't be able to speak to him till he gets out.

Good Luck to your friend!

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
He finished Marleybone! He can know promote Ratbeard!

Nov 11, 2012
i never i repeat NEVER saw 1 glitch in pirate101 for me, me hearties! but what level is ratbeard? get training tomes and level him up A.S.A.P