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I have an idea that might be good

Gunner's Mate
Nov 14, 2013
Ok so we all know the frog father and scrip so what if we did like smuggling missions for the frog father to earn scrip and the more scrip you want the harder the mission gets. So yeah tell me what you think.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
dragonmaster1236 on Jan 30, 2015 wrote:
Ok so we all know the frog father and scrip so what if we did like smuggling missions for the frog father to earn scrip and the more scrip you want the harder the mission gets. So yeah tell me what you think.
Another way to collect scrip would be great!

Jun 09, 2013
anecorbie on Jan 30, 2015 wrote:
Another way to collect scrip would be great!

Since I'm maxed out (that being max level, max nautical level, and having all my companions level 65 and higher), I spend most of my time farming for gear and scrip. Scrip farming gets incredibly boring after a while, but I take solace in the fact that I will be soon able to afford the Mysterious Stranger mustache for my musketeer Andrew Bellamy and the Smuggler's Armour for my privateer Fearless Sam. However, an alternative to broad-side combat, after broad-side combat, after broad-side combat would be most appreciated.

May 16, 2011
dragonmaster1236 on Jan 30, 2015 wrote:
Ok so we all know the frog father and scrip so what if we did like smuggling missions for the frog father to earn scrip and the more scrip you want the harder the mission gets. So yeah tell me what you think.
A good idea, but I doubt it'll happen. See Ratbeard's first answer here.