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Companion fix suggestions!

Mar 24, 2013
I agree on the watermole companions, while the others have a 2nd tires in Mormo's and Ugua Buga's case a 3rd tire. The watermole siling shooter need a 2nd tire. A power upgrades to the watermole companions would be a nice addition. I would like to see big watermole, in action more often. In my opinon he is the best class of the 6 ( including Mormo and Ugua Buga ) watermole companions.

May 10, 2010
I am Begging you Ratbeard, please take off Repel Boarders on Sarah Steele or make it to where Repel Boarders does not activate when hidden! Please, I beg of you, it totally ruins her hide and any strategy being setup with it.

Please fix Sarah Steele, she is like one of the best female companions we get and she should remain AWESOME!

Thanks for listening and hoping you will give this great consideration!

Darth JT

Jun 08, 2009
Oingo boingo needs some help :c as well as the Watermole Slingman whose stats are way below the average and only 1 epic that's already trained