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PvE to easy

Feb 02, 2013
I've noticed that whenever I do PvE its always too easy, moo Manchu is lucky if he kills one, hydra is crying for mercy, and the Scylla spawn are being cooked, even the dwellers of the smugglers dungeon are relatively easy with just 1 pirate, please add a hard mode for dungeons ratbeard cause after seeing the lvl 74 enemies of the smugglers dungeon and their powers not even the new worlds seem like they'll be a challange

PvE is intended for everybody to be able to play, enjoy, and complete.

Always has been; always will be.

We know very well how many players find the main story line challenging to complete. (More than you think.)

May 31, 2009
Time and time again you have complained about how "easy" some of the PvE enemies are to you. Not all of us are as "good" a fighter as you. I, even as a max level Swashbuckler, find those battles you have mentioned (and a few others, too, for that matter) difficult, and I know I am not the only one.

Time and time again, others have given you suggestions on how to bump up the difficulty level without the developers having to create and implement a new system. Why not take their suggestions? Using lower level gear and weapons, putting all companions but your firstmate on task, or using a different team of companions are all good ways to create a challenge for yourself.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
zuto4011a on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
I've noticed that whenever I do PvE its always too easy, moo Manchu is lucky if he kills one, hydra is crying for mercy, and the Scylla spawn are being cooked, even the dwellers of the smugglers dungeon are relatively easy with just 1 pirate, please add a hard mode for dungeons ratbeard cause after seeing the lvl 74 enemies of the smugglers dungeon and their powers not even the new worlds seem like they'll be a challange
"Be careful what you wish for..." zuto, I suspect that you have the best max gear in the game, this is why you find everything "too easy". If you want "hard mode" you can easily create one for yourself by using less powerful gear. I'm glad the developers are striving for a middle ground in the game; making it challenging without being insanely difficult.

Oct 12, 2012
zuto4011a on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
I've noticed that whenever I do PvE its always too easy, moo Manchu is lucky if he kills one, hydra is crying for mercy, and the Scylla spawn are being cooked, even the dwellers of the smugglers dungeon are relatively easy with just 1 pirate, please add a hard mode for dungeons ratbeard cause after seeing the lvl 74 enemies of the smugglers dungeon and their powers not even the new worlds seem like they'll be a challange
try doing some sort of challenge mode for yourself like if a companion is defeated he is out for ever or you can't use your strongest companions so use like those little bison guys.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
zuto4011a on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
I've noticed that whenever I do PvE its always too easy, moo Manchu is lucky if he kills one, hydra is crying for mercy, and the Scylla spawn are being cooked, even the dwellers of the smugglers dungeon are relatively easy with just 1 pirate, please add a hard mode for dungeons ratbeard cause after seeing the lvl 74 enemies of the smugglers dungeon and their powers not even the new worlds seem like they'll be a challange
Ratbeard does not need to add a hard mode Zuto, you can easily do that yourself. Why have the programmers put already allotted time into "whipping up" a hard mode, when they have already given us every available resource and means to make the game as hard or easy as we take the time to do. Yes that's may actually have to click on some things and move powers, doubloons, companions and gear around to achieve this already in place "hard mode"-- good news though, it only takes a couple minutes to do so and voila...instant harder and hard mode.

I too agree that PvE is extremely easy, when and if you completely know what you are doing and use every resource available to a Spiral-bound pirate, to make it easy. But not all pirates are at the same level of understanding and that's 100% cool and okie-dokie! To have KI implement a hard mode, when we are perfectly capable of doing so ourselves (since we can comprehend how to do so), just doesn't make any sense.

Try setting all your companions on tasks and only using your first mate in battle. If that doesn't work, try skipping every other turn in battle. If that doesn't work, try using only powers that you ordinarily wouldn't use...or using no powers at all throughout the course of a battle. If that doesn't work, try using very low level gear. If that doesn't work, try starting a new pirate and only use newly acquired companions while not leveling up any you previously had. If that doesn't work, use less desirable companions. If that still doesn't work, try going without using henchmen and doubloons in the Tower and the Arena, as I suspect you just may be relying on them a bit already, whilst going solo. Or try all of the above at the same time. And if for some reason that doesn't work try laying on the floor and only selecting your crew with your toes, while "blindfolded" and with twin babies sitting on your head-- take it from me, it makes battles extreeeeeemely difficult.

The point is, is that Ratbeard does not need to create a hard mode, it's already there. Just be creative and you'll surely find it.

Feb 02, 2013
anecorbie on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
"Be careful what you wish for..." zuto, I suspect that you have the best max gear in the game, this is why you find everything "too easy". If you want "hard mode" you can easily create one for yourself by using less powerful gear. I'm glad the developers are striving for a middle ground in the game; making it challenging without being insanely difficult.
so I should take off the gear I worked hard for to get? no I shouldn't have too to make the game harder

Feb 02, 2013
Ratbeard on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
PvE is intended for everybody to be able to play, enjoy, and complete.

Always has been; always will be.

We know very well how many players find the main story line challenging to complete. (More than you think.)
I asked for a hard mode not to make it harder for everyone, is asking for a button to placed at the start of a dungeon that adds 1000 more health to each enemy, bumps them up a few levels and adds a few more enemies per battle ridiculous?

Feb 02, 2013
ValkoorTheVictorio... on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
Ratbeard does not need to add a hard mode Zuto, you can easily do that yourself. Why have the programmers put already allotted time into "whipping up" a hard mode, when they have already given us every available resource and means to make the game as hard or easy as we take the time to do. Yes that's may actually have to click on some things and move powers, doubloons, companions and gear around to achieve this already in place "hard mode"-- good news though, it only takes a couple minutes to do so and voila...instant harder and hard mode.

I too agree that PvE is extremely easy, when and if you completely know what you are doing and use every resource available to a Spiral-bound pirate, to make it easy. But not all pirates are at the same level of understanding and that's 100% cool and okie-dokie! To have KI implement a hard mode, when we are perfectly capable of doing so ourselves (since we can comprehend how to do so), just doesn't make any sense.

Try setting all your companions on tasks and only using your first mate in battle. If that doesn't work, try skipping every other turn in battle. If that doesn't work, try using only powers that you ordinarily wouldn't use...or using no powers at all throughout the course of a battle. If that doesn't work, try using very low level gear. If that doesn't work, try starting a new pirate and only use newly acquired companions while not leveling up any you previously had. If that doesn't work, use less desirable companions. If that still doesn't work, try going without using henchmen and doubloons in the Tower and the Arena, as I suspect you just may be relying on them a bit already, whilst going solo. Or try all of the above at the same time. And if for some reason that doesn't work try laying on the floor and only selecting your crew with your toes, while "blindfolded" and with twin babies sitting on your head-- take it from me, it makes battles extreeeeeemely difficult.

The point is, is that Ratbeard does not need to create a hard mode, it's already there. Just be creative and you'll surely find it.
the players should not have to make challenges for themselves with material that's been here for over a year, its overused and boring, adding a hard mode for the better, older, and smarter players would be great, itd add a new experience in this game

Jul 07, 2013
First I'd like to say congrats to you for acquiring the Moo Manchu gear. As I assume you have gotten it. I have seen pirates with the set tear through enemies like a warm knife through butter. In regards to the thoughts on the matter, It is true that not everybody finds the fights he mentioned easy but here is a guy who has worked hard to acquire top notch gear and train his companions well and now your telling him not to use what he has worked so hard for.

This is another one of those fine line debates where unfortunately there is no solution that will please everybody. But with such skill a player like Zuto has in order for him to enjoy the game he needs to be in battles that make his blood boil. I have seen games that had both normal and hard modes. I don't know if that would be a solution as it would be a lot of work and I don't expect one but there should be another solution besides him lowering himself.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Jul 16, 2014
I believe this topic has already been discussed in the past. And seeing how everyone's perception of what is and isn't difficult will be different, I don't believe this is a constructive discussion and will close the thread now.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*