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Trial mounts out before buying

Aug 09, 2009
So recently I had bought a Mystic Skiff mount and I'll be honest, It feels really bulky and just awkward as a mount. So I thought what could be a good addition to the Crown shop is to be able to trial ALL mounts out before you decide on which one you want. I thought what would be a good step to this is that trial mounts provide no bonus speed, but you get the feel of the mount before you buy it.

Gunner's Mate
May 13, 2009
Great Idea! The one thing I would change is that you would instead 'preview' a mount just like a you can do to a house. By previewing it, you would get to ride the mount in a restricted zone to get a feel for it. Some people equip mounts just for the style, so it wouldn't be fair if they didn't have to pay although it is a 'trial mount'.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
EMC99 on Jun 9, 2016 wrote:
Great Idea! The one thing I would change is that you would instead 'preview' a mount just like a you can do to a house. By previewing it, you would get to ride the mount in a restricted zone to get a feel for it. Some people equip mounts just for the style, so it wouldn't be fair if they didn't have to pay although it is a 'trial mount'.
If there was a limitation to how long you could "try it out" and limit the amount of mounts you could try a day, this would be a good thing to have; especially when adding a new mount to the game!