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What animal is Miracle Mitch?

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
So I was looking at the fellow and I couldn't quite tell what animal he is?
I am thinking something along the lines of a Proboscis Monkey but I'm still confused
Does anyone know?

Just to add I think their should be a rogues gallery on Miracle Mitch as he is very mysterious

Gunner's Mate
Dec 26, 2013
SpellBinder Darius on May 23, 2016 wrote:
So I was looking at the fellow and I couldn't quite tell what animal he is?
I am thinking something along the lines of a Proboscis Monkey but I'm still confused
Does anyone know?

Just to add I think their should be a rogues gallery on Miracle Mitch as he is very mysterious
I think you're right on with Proboscis Monkey... or maybe a Gibbon. He certainly appears to have primate-like "feet" like a Chimpanzee or Gorilla.
If there ever was to be any back-story it would be hilarious to find out his wife's name is Valerie. ("Liar! I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"
"Have fun storming the castle!"

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
SpellBinder Darius on May 23, 2016 wrote:
So I was looking at the fellow and I couldn't quite tell what animal he is?
I am thinking something along the lines of a Proboscis Monkey but I'm still confused
Does anyone know?

Just to add I think their should be a rogues gallery on Miracle Mitch as he is very mysterious
He is a Proboscis Monkey. A Rogues Gallery would be a great idea - tell us where he learned his healing arts?

Jan 26, 2012
He is indeed a proboscis monkey. And a grumpy one.

Feb 11, 2010
Yeah, I think he is a proboscis monkey.

Gunner's Mate
Dec 26, 2013
Blind Mew on May 23, 2016 wrote:
He is indeed a proboscis monkey. And a grumpy one.
Thank heavens he's a Proboscis monkey... can you imagine how grumpy he'd be if he was an Anti-boscis?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blind Mew on May 23, 2016 wrote:
He is indeed a proboscis monkey. And a grumpy one.
Ska-WEEEE Welcome back to the boards out beloved Sir Mew.

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
Blind Mew on May 23, 2016 wrote:
He is indeed a proboscis monkey. And a grumpy one.
Look who it is
Thank you for confirming my suspicions and welcome back to the boards