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Rogue's Gallery requests

Dec 21, 2011
I would love to see a Rogue's gallery on:

Billy the Kid.
Ridolfo Capoferro.
Duck Holliday.
Kzinti Singh.
Nurse Quinn.
Buffalo Bill.
Lt. Springer.
Bat Masterson.
Gaspard de Vole.
Lucky Jack Russell.
Wing Chun.

Thank you!

Mar 24, 2013
Lt Sullivan83 on Nov 8, 2015 wrote:
I would love to see a Rogue's gallery on:

Billy the Kid.
Ridolfo Capoferro.
Duck Holliday.
Kzinti Singh.
Nurse Quinn.
Buffalo Bill.
Lt. Springer.
Bat Masterson.
Gaspard de Vole.
Lucky Jack Russell.
Wing Chun.

Thank you!
This is list is nice for the Rouge Gallery, however there is an issue regarding bundle companions.New players will ask questions about that companion.Why he/she is not a main/side companion, Looking further in the bright future, when certain bundles are retired.New players may even question what was the bundle this companion came from.

It might me great to add, Nausica, Hoodoo Cornilius, Cutthoart, Cat pirate, Handsome Dan and other bundle companions yet to debut to the Rouge's Gallery. This may confuse new players, espically when the bundle was retired. In my opinon,it might not be a good idea.No offense to bundle any companions. I'm sorry.

Personally I would like to see the Brass Monkey, the flying dino character from Xol ' Ak ' Mol ? ( not sure if it's spelled correctly ), and some day Kane himself as an addition to this character list. (Minus Nausica )

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Monkrinx2024 on Nov 9, 2015 wrote:
This is list is nice for the Rouge Gallery, however there is an issue regarding bundle companions.New players will ask questions about that companion.Why he/she is not a main/side companion, Looking further in the bright future, when certain bundles are retired.New players may even question what was the bundle this companion came from.

It might me great to add, Nausica, Hoodoo Cornilius, Cutthoart, Cat pirate, Handsome Dan and other bundle companions yet to debut to the Rouge's Gallery. This may confuse new players, espically when the bundle was retired. In my opinon,it might not be a good idea.No offense to bundle any companions. I'm sorry.

Personally I would like to see the Brass Monkey, the flying dino character from Xol ' Ak ' Mol ? ( not sure if it's spelled correctly ), and some day Kane himself as an addition to this character list. (Minus Nausica )
I agree that adding pack or bundle companions might disturb the story line. These companions aren't gained from Crown Shop or quest line. Of these bundle companions only the Cutthroat & Cat Pirate don't have a standard name, their names are randomly selected from a list.
Yet, we don't know why these companions have joined us, shouldn't they also have a "back story"? We could leave these bundle and pack companions for later, perhaps when KI has run out of companions and NPCs to write a gallery about?
And what about Goronado and Eep Op Ork Ah ah?

Sep 19, 2012
Lt Sullivan83 on Nov 8, 2015 wrote:
I would love to see a Rogue's gallery on:

Billy the Kid.
Ridolfo Capoferro.
Duck Holliday.
Kzinti Singh.
Nurse Quinn.
Buffalo Bill.
Lt. Springer.
Bat Masterson.
Gaspard de Vole.
Lucky Jack Russell.
Wing Chun.

Thank you!
I'd like to hear about the Bestia npc or Decius himself! also there one hippy tree in um gosh i bad at names >.< bleh me, but near eep op ork dude is a banyon tree guy? scratch has to talk to him during one of the promotes.. I'd like to hear more about him... and the monquistan in Puerto mico that sends us to talk to whatever current gov/ambassador is upstairs atm lol this so sloppy sorry :/ but i think since he manages to keep his position regardless of the serious turnover of his superiors makes for an interesting story too
stormy jen silver

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
stormyjensilverdra... on Nov 9, 2015 wrote:
I'd like to hear about the Bestia npc or Decius himself! also there one hippy tree in um gosh i bad at names >.< bleh me, but near eep op ork dude is a banyon tree guy? scratch has to talk to him during one of the promotes.. I'd like to hear more about him... and the monquistan in Puerto mico that sends us to talk to whatever current gov/ambassador is upstairs atm lol this so sloppy sorry :/ but i think since he manages to keep his position regardless of the serious turnover of his superiors makes for an interesting story too
stormy jen silver
Hopper, Valley of the Gold Monkey. I really wished he was a companion! Or do you mean Old Banyon? Sorry the word "Hippy" threw me. And the monquistan is called the Majordomo, its amazing that he has survived three changes n governor.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 26, 2013
stormyjensilverdra... on Nov 9, 2015 wrote:
I'd like to hear about the Bestia npc or Decius himself! also there one hippy tree in um gosh i bad at names >.< bleh me, but near eep op ork dude is a banyon tree guy? scratch has to talk to him during one of the promotes.. I'd like to hear more about him... and the monquistan in Puerto mico that sends us to talk to whatever current gov/ambassador is upstairs atm lol this so sloppy sorry :/ but i think since he manages to keep his position regardless of the serious turnover of his superiors makes for an interesting story too
stormy jen silver
Old Banyon would be cool and oh man oh man, I'd love to see a Rogue's Gallery on Majordomo.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
I'm thinking of more characters to add to the Rogue's Gallery installments...

Mr. Washburne
Mrs. Washburne
Captain Reynolds
Ju Hao (though, I highly suggest his character model's appearance should be changed to receive a unique new look, to completely stand him out from the other Inoshishi Bandits' looks)
Egg Shen
Kan Po
Kobe Yojimbo
Rooster Cogburn
Egg Foo Yung
Calico Jake
Gilbert & Mr. Sullivan

Though, once more new characters get added through story updates, we'll have many more new Rogue's Gallery installments soon enough. It's bound to be made sooner or later, you know.