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Help for PvP

Nov 03, 2012
I am not an avid pvper but I want to be. I started recently and was doing really well for my first 5 games. I was also learning a lot and getting better. Then I faced someone who used terra cotta troupe and the scorpion. I never faced anything like it before and was completely annihilated. I don't think it's broken at all. (Well, terracotta troupe maybe. Just a little.) I just want to know a strategy to counter besides using the same gear as my opponent.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Duke of Westminste... on Sep 10, 2015 wrote:
I am not an avid pvper but I want to be. I started recently and was doing really well for my first 5 games. I was also learning a lot and getting better. Then I faced someone who used terra cotta troupe and the scorpion. I never faced anything like it before and was completely annihilated. I don't think it's broken at all. (Well, terracotta troupe maybe. Just a little.) I just want to know a strategy to counter besides using the same gear as my opponent.
Well, let just say , that a swashbuckler with a decent dodge has no problems with the scorpions ( even when buffed ).
But this isn't what you're asking. I think you're a privateer? What is the team you're using? I suggest Big Guns and continue bombing the Cotta before they get near you.
Now your team, who are you using? Is it all melee? Maybe you should have one ranged member, like Bonnie Anne or Zeena. Having a companion in your line up with HL3 & FS3 ( for those nasty hidden bucklers ) so Ratbeard could be helpful there. Isn't Egg Shen a really great companion?
I don't know your gear or training, but some specialized gear is required in ranked PVP. You can't just go in with basic gear, I learned this lesson early on.

Apr 19, 2012
Duke of Westminste... on Sep 10, 2015 wrote:
I am not an avid pvper but I want to be. I started recently and was doing really well for my first 5 games. I was also learning a lot and getting better. Then I faced someone who used terra cotta troupe and the scorpion. I never faced anything like it before and was completely annihilated. I don't think it's broken at all. (Well, terracotta troupe maybe. Just a little.) I just want to know a strategy to counter besides using the same gear as my opponent.
Well, I know they won't ban the Moo Robes from ranked pvp and it's a shame because it's one piece of gear that can determine the outcome of a match all by itself. Every other piece of gear in the game has a counterpart that might not be the exact same thing, but will provide about the same benefit. Can't seem to get a hat that gives Valor's Fortress? No problem. Get the boots instead. Don't have a piece of gear that grants a heal? No problem. Morph a pet that does. Don't have Moo Robes? Big problem. I have always come down on the side of not banning items from pvp, but this is the exception. I have the Moo Robes and I carry them into ranked with me, hoping that the person I face doesn't have them and use them, because if they use theirs, I have to use mine and then what should be a 15 minute battle stretches into an hour or more. For one piece of gear to have such an impact on ranked pvp doesn't seem right. Farming for the robes takes longer than any other piece of gear and can't be done unless you are able to recruit three other players that will go through the 2-3 hour tower with you and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find a team willing to go all the way to the top with you. Even if you do find a team, the chances are very slim for getting the robes. Using crowns to spam the loot chest is the best way and not everyone has the crowns to spare. answer your question. There is no effective counter to Moo Robes other than having your own. The best counter I have seen is Musketeers or Privateers being able to bomb the warriors while they are still massed together and you have a very narrow window for that. Musketeer companions with Overwatch also help. It's not impossible to beat someone who uses the robes, but it is extremely difficult and you need to get very lucky.

Apr 19, 2012
Spiral Cowboy on Sep 10, 2015 wrote:
Well, I know they won't ban the Moo Robes from ranked pvp and it's a shame because it's one piece of gear that can determine the outcome of a match all by itself. Every other piece of gear in the game has a counterpart that might not be the exact same thing, but will provide about the same benefit. Can't seem to get a hat that gives Valor's Fortress? No problem. Get the boots instead. Don't have a piece of gear that grants a heal? No problem. Morph a pet that does. Don't have Moo Robes? Big problem. I have always come down on the side of not banning items from pvp, but this is the exception. I have the Moo Robes and I carry them into ranked with me, hoping that the person I face doesn't have them and use them, because if they use theirs, I have to use mine and then what should be a 15 minute battle stretches into an hour or more. For one piece of gear to have such an impact on ranked pvp doesn't seem right. Farming for the robes takes longer than any other piece of gear and can't be done unless you are able to recruit three other players that will go through the 2-3 hour tower with you and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find a team willing to go all the way to the top with you. Even if you do find a team, the chances are very slim for getting the robes. Using crowns to spam the loot chest is the best way and not everyone has the crowns to spare. answer your question. There is no effective counter to Moo Robes other than having your own. The best counter I have seen is Musketeers or Privateers being able to bomb the warriors while they are still massed together and you have a very narrow window for that. Musketeer companions with Overwatch also help. It's not impossible to beat someone who uses the robes, but it is extremely difficult and you need to get very lucky.
Whoops...I forgot about the Sprocket Key that Bishop drops. It doesn't have a counterpart and there may be one or to others that don't as well, but the bottom line is that no other piece of gear has an effect that lasts as long as Moo Robes or has the impact on the match. Yes there are buffs that last ten rounds, but most ranked matches last longer than that and even if they don't...go ahead and buff lol. I have buffs too.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
As Spiral Cowboy pointed out, those who are Privateers and Musketeers are in a better place ( power wise ) to deal with the Terror - Cotta.
If you are a swashbuckler and you see that your opponent has placed the Cotta - DO NOT FOG. Without a target the Cotta will only use Leviathan. I suggest moving to the far edge of the board and let them come to you. Use Gunnery and Hurl Knives and attack before they can charge, you only need to damage a few before they begin to chain explode. If you're lucky, they may even block your opponent from attacking you. Then you may fog and use the time to buff and heal, or even to wait out those nasty debuffs. I know this isn't a perfect strategy, but unless you also have the Moo robes, it's the best I can suggest.