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Startegies to be used against Moo Robes

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Fellow PVP-ers, we can sit and wail about how OP these robes are or we can share a discussion on strategies of what works or doesn't when fighting the Imperial Robes of Moo Manchu.
I have tested these robes on my Witchdoctor in combo with the Nefarious Staff, I only had a 24 hour pass; and I was not going to try to reach the highest ranks. I wanted only to see what worked, what didn't and how these robes could be adjusted for PVP competition.
Results: of the 12 1v1 bouts I took part in I only lost 3 and those losses were against Swashbucklers who used Black Fog. Of the 9 I won 2 of those wins were by default when the opponent fled on seeing the terror-cotta. ( And they were also SBs, presuming that their BF probably hadn't shown ).
So if you're a SB, BF is the best way to counter Moo's Robes; just hide, buff and charge the robe's user ( unless of course, the robe's user is also a SB with BF; then you're in big trouble, mate. )
Musketeers can win, though the ones I faced seemed to use their powers badly - one even wasted his Bonnie Anne's Scatter Blast just to clear the obstacles in the middle of the board. If you use Barricades the cotta will be blocked from one side. you can then use your knock back bombs and traps on the other side. If you have trained WIS this prevents you from being a target of the cotta. If you have gear that gives WID, this is also extra protection. ( Auric Peril Boots are available in the bazaar ).
If you were fortunate enough to get the Nova Blaster from the tower; use the nova blast! None of the muskets I faced yesterday used that power! Also those AoEs like Hurricane round.
I didn't face a Buccaneer or Privateer at all in my bouts Hmm, it seems all the opponents I had from Contender rank through to Warrior were muskets and swashies.
If you have faced the Cotta summons please post what you tried - what worked ( or nearly worked ) or what was a complete fail; I'm sure that together, we can find a solution.
I believe at the end of the season, the top winners in PVP will have one thing in common - the Imperial Robes of Moo Manchu.

Feb 02, 2013
anecorbie on Aug 14, 2015 wrote:
Fellow PVP-ers, we can sit and wail about how OP these robes are or we can share a discussion on strategies of what works or doesn't when fighting the Imperial Robes of Moo Manchu.
I have tested these robes on my Witchdoctor in combo with the Nefarious Staff, I only had a 24 hour pass; and I was not going to try to reach the highest ranks. I wanted only to see what worked, what didn't and how these robes could be adjusted for PVP competition.
Results: of the 12 1v1 bouts I took part in I only lost 3 and those losses were against Swashbucklers who used Black Fog. Of the 9 I won 2 of those wins were by default when the opponent fled on seeing the terror-cotta. ( And they were also SBs, presuming that their BF probably hadn't shown ).
So if you're a SB, BF is the best way to counter Moo's Robes; just hide, buff and charge the robe's user ( unless of course, the robe's user is also a SB with BF; then you're in big trouble, mate. )
Musketeers can win, though the ones I faced seemed to use their powers badly - one even wasted his Bonnie Anne's Scatter Blast just to clear the obstacles in the middle of the board. If you use Barricades the cotta will be blocked from one side. you can then use your knock back bombs and traps on the other side. If you have trained WIS this prevents you from being a target of the cotta. If you have gear that gives WID, this is also extra protection. ( Auric Peril Boots are available in the bazaar ).
If you were fortunate enough to get the Nova Blaster from the tower; use the nova blast! None of the muskets I faced yesterday used that power! Also those AoEs like Hurricane round.
I didn't face a Buccaneer or Privateer at all in my bouts Hmm, it seems all the opponents I had from Contender rank through to Warrior were muskets and swashies.
If you have faced the Cotta summons please post what you tried - what worked ( or nearly worked ) or what was a complete fail; I'm sure that together, we can find a solution.
I believe at the end of the season, the top winners in PVP will have one thing in common - the Imperial Robes of Moo Manchu.
I can say that their AI is predictable, as they go for the direct quickest route. Bombs have worked beautifully for my Musketeer. Between those and an overwatch team, you can take out most of them . Buccaneers(form experience anyway) have nearly no chance especially without Technomage Glasses, and for privateers, just bring Marchioness. She is OP and she has a dispel for free .

Also, BFing after the hits can also work, as you can wait out the charges. Just a tip.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
I found out today, BF isn't "fool-proof" against a musket using Moo Robes. He made me pay for every step I took, even jumping over his barricade was useless ( BTW it was interesting to me to see the Cotta actually attack the Barrier.)

Petty Officer
Jan 03, 2010
  • Interesting, whenever I see the Cotta Warriors when I play on my swashbuckler, hiding is the absolute last thing I usually do. I ALWAYS take these guys out asap because 9 warriors who have vicious charge and explode are going to hunt you down no matter how long you want to hide, and btw hides DO have a limit. I have adapted to playing much longer matches due to how frequently I see the Robe at my current rank (hero) and while hiding has its advantages, the Warriors don't simply just vanish. I let them eat up my first strikes and riposte before the opponent or their companions can reach me AND deal efficient damage, and I am usually able to take out all the Warriors within 3-4 rounds after they first make contact
  • Everything has a certain level of priority I feel, and I personally make the cottas my absolute number 1 until they are GONE. I'm one person and that is one way I deal with them on one class, but I would bet that every single class would want those warriors gone asap aswell. They don't just tack on that extra damage and make more hazards, but they take up that extra space on the already small battle board, that space that might actually be the difference between being able to escape the range of a winning hit. The more options you have the less you can give your opponent if you play your cards right. Then it's a really game of how well one can capitalize on that option the opponent didn't have.
  • Terra Cotta Warriors = Less options = Bigger chance to be another victim of those monsters.

May 09, 2013
As a buccaneer, I've seen the moo robe used three times so far. Once I faced a buccaneer and I beat him; the other two times I faced swashbucklers and lost very close matches.

Before I explain my strategy, let me say that I don't use any crowns or pack items or companions, so my strategy can be utilized by any buccaneer. It's as simple as a single companion: ratbeard. I have FS3, RB3, and HtL2 for ratbeard and this works wonderfully against the terracotta. Repel boarders cuts their accuracy in half, so even if I can't hit them because of vicious charge, they usually don't hit me either. Instead of killing them really fast, I let the warriors surround me so that no melee companions and players can even reach me. Between my character and ratbeard, hold the line prevents the warriors from reaching my other companions to reduce their accuracy. If one of the opponent's companions does attack me I attack them instead of the warriors. Then endgame when it's usually just my char vs the other char, I use the warriors to deal explosive damage to both of us while giving me a blade storm. Since I have the higher shields, the explosions usually do more damage to my opponent, and if I critical hit the warrior, I get two blade storms!

The only counters to this I've found are a) purge magic on my shields and b) pure luck as in getting hit by a super assassin's strike.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Wolf SkullRider on Aug 14, 2015 wrote:
  • Interesting, whenever I see the Cotta Warriors when I play on my swashbuckler, hiding is the absolute last thing I usually do. I ALWAYS take these guys out asap because 9 warriors who have vicious charge and explode are going to hunt you down no matter how long you want to hide, and btw hides DO have a limit. I have adapted to playing much longer matches due to how frequently I see the Robe at my current rank (hero) and while hiding has its advantages, the Warriors don't simply just vanish. I let them eat up my first strikes and riposte before the opponent or their companions can reach me AND deal efficient damage, and I am usually able to take out all the Warriors within 3-4 rounds after they first make contact
  • Everything has a certain level of priority I feel, and I personally make the cottas my absolute number 1 until they are GONE. I'm one person and that is one way I deal with them on one class, but I would bet that every single class would want those warriors gone asap aswell. They don't just tack on that extra damage and make more hazards, but they take up that extra space on the already small battle board, that space that might actually be the difference between being able to escape the range of a winning hit. The more options you have the less you can give your opponent if you play your cards right. Then it's a really game of how well one can capitalize on that option the opponent didn't have.
  • Terra Cotta Warriors = Less options = Bigger chance to be another victim of those monsters.
This afternoon I was actually thinking the very same thing - attack the Cotta with everything ( although I was going to use the x2 damage from BF ).
Your idea is much simpler and saves BF for the "main event" as it were.
What I like about this strategy is that all classes can use it ( some more effectively than others, true ).Musketeers for one.
Thank you for responding! This gives me hope now that I won't be utterly plowed down by the Cotta!
Now bring them on!