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The Changing Govenors of Puerto Mico

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
Ok, why do the governors of Puerto Mico keep changing, as it is very annoying. Because of this, it takes much longer than it should of to get the treaty of Skull Island and Monquista if the governors never changed.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Pirate Master on Aug 10, 2015 wrote:
Ok, why do the governors of Puerto Mico keep changing, as it is very annoying. Because of this, it takes much longer than it should of to get the treaty of Skull Island and Monquista if the governors never changed.
It's actually pretty funny, I think, as a play on the political games that were played by the European powers during the Age of Exploration. They weren't elected officials like we are used to, but appointed by the royal families, so they could be changed on a whim, because some powerful family needed a post for a member of the family, or if the royals needed a far-away post to get rid of a political thorn in their side.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Pirate Master on Aug 10, 2015 wrote:
Ok, why do the governors of Puerto Mico keep changing, as it is very annoying. Because of this, it takes much longer than it should of to get the treaty of Skull Island and Monquista if the governors never changed.
I find their various fates somewhat amusing:
"Sealed in a dark pit"
"Exiled to the obsidian mines of Oryx"
And what happened to that snooty female governor? No one has said ( her fate must have been extra grisly ...)
That's Monkey politics for you!