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yet another post on the Hydra.

Feb 25, 2012
First off: I dont feel the need to put this in the typical bug report format, as EVERYONE knows about it, where it is, Etc.

so, when i did my first play through, on my good old swashy, I went through the whole game (to the point it was at, with the conclusion of aquila.) that was probably a year ago. i also have a maxed musket, buck, and privy, (and a very low level WD in the works) who got to level 65 and then stopped going through the story. i simply stopped story progression with them because i didnt want to waste exp. i realize now that that was fairly dumb, since there is more than enough exp to get to the maximum every time that a new update comes out. all those pirates, (except the swash) stopped right after the dungeon on knossos. recently, I decided to have those pirates go on their way so they would be at the forefront for the next update. that involves the dreaded hydra.

Now, on my first playthrough, i Soloed the Hydra and won on the first try . . . barely. if i hadn't had that hide . . . *shudders*

however, I have just reached the hydra battle on my musket. on my first attempt, once the hydra left, it came back. . . but couldnt be hit, wouldnt move, wouldnt do anything. i could just sit there and fight the other heads, but. . . that was literally it. so, faced with an inevitable loss, i fled. I'm not one to give up, so I tried again. this time, the hydra came back, and would attack and move around. it was VISIBLE from the battle board view, but still untouchable. i couldnt target him, i couldnt hit him with an AoE, nothing. that time, he wasnt a ghost: he was a god. again, facing inevitable defeat, i fled. I'm about to go at it for my lucky third time, but i remember reading about people who were stuck on it for MONTHS. aquila has been around for over one and a half years. Pirate has had numerous updates in that time. I just want to know if the devs are even working in this thing! I mean, if it is truly Unfixable, then remove it. put something different in there. but it is absurd to have a game where the players spend 10$ to play and then have such a significant glitch for so long. I know that recently A lot of the old staff marauders have been occupied, so perhaps Anne could give us an update on progress with the hydra? it would be very nice to at least see something being done.

Sincerely, A concerned player.

Feb 25, 2012
I had 2 more glitched attempts, and then the fight finally worked out. still, its frustrating that this happens. I remember once that there was a Vadima's Vision about players that have never fled or lost in combat. i think that that number would be far larger without the hydra; just think of how many players its affected! i had to try five times, and i managed it once before on my SwashBuckler. that makes approximately 4 out of six tries (roughly 66%) attempts impossible. That said, I want to keep farming the hydra. when it doesnt glitch, I love the challenge.

Feb 11, 2010
I've also had bugs with the hydra. I couldn't click on the ebon to attack it, and when I could, I wouldn't go to attack it in combat. And, recently helping a friend with it, I glitched out of the battleboard! I couldn't move my player or give him orders! My companions were fine though.

Jul 16, 2014

I'm sorry you've experienced this issue.

One-Eyed Jack's post on the status of the issue a couple months ago still stands.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Feb 25, 2012
thanks, anne. I know that a battle with all the complexities of the hydra must be . . . temperamental . . . to say the least. especially from the staff's standpoint. I saw that jack said it affected a relatively small number of players . . . but I have just had two more glitched attempts on my privateer. I know i can always contact customer support, if the going gets too tough, but I genuinely adore the hydra fight when it is working properly. anyway, i appreciate the link. sincerely, thank you.