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Companions Dying???

May 05, 2011
I don't know if this is a glitch or anything, but here's what happened:

My buccaneer was working on a Bonnie Anne promotion (Lvl 57), and like halfway into the quest we had to go into these sewers where I battled some people. Suddenly, I lost connection while battling, nothing I can't fix. Once the connection was turned back on, I went back online to see that all of my companions in the battle have died?

Reminder that I lost connection during the first round, so all my companions were full health. Was this supposed to happen?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Darken Guardian on Apr 9, 2015 wrote:
I don't know if this is a glitch or anything, but here's what happened:

My buccaneer was working on a Bonnie Anne promotion (Lvl 57), and like halfway into the quest we had to go into these sewers where I battled some people. Suddenly, I lost connection while battling, nothing I can't fix. Once the connection was turned back on, I went back online to see that all of my companions in the battle have died?

Reminder that I lost connection during the first round, so all my companions were full health. Was this supposed to happen?
Losing connection counts as a 'flee' and companions usually go on 'bed-rest' from this as if they had been defeated in battle. Remember the game can't tell if you exited the game or lost connection.
Good news about promotions, though; if a companion is defeated during his/her promotion, completing the promotion heals them to full health, without needing to visit Mitch.

Nov 23, 2011
The first couple of times that happened to me, I just assumed the baddies punched up my crew while they stood around waiting for my orders. Then it happened a couple of times where I was not even in a fight, but came back from a lost connection to find myself by a life fountain with three crew out of action. I posted about this problem a month or two back and don't think I received a reply... which of course does not mean KI has not made a note about the problem.
