Hello, my name is Mark Laveer. So...I would like to predict what Kane would be like if he just happened to be made into a boss.
KANE (Privateer) Level 98 Armada Commander -------------------------------- 13,005 -------------------------------- Here are his little epics. They are all exclusive to him, except Castle: RETURNING FURY (Works like Vengeance Strike, but can reflect anything, even spells!) NEXT ATTEMPT (Works like Second Chance, however, he can do it as many times as he likes until he scores a hit.) WALKING RETRIBUTION (Works like Vampirific Touch.) SWORD KANE (If a player hits Kane with a spell/gun, it will trigger Returning Fury. However, if Kane misses, it will trigger Sword Kane. It is Kane's most powerful attack and causes terrible pain.) CASTLE (Returning from the Rooke battle) BARRACKS (Power) (Kane summons an Armada Trooper. The space that he placed the Armada Trooper on will constantly summon Armada Troopers until Kane is defeated.) SUPERB MOVEMENT (Kane is able to jump across obstacles.)
And that's my suggestions for a Kane boss! Now...SEE YOU TOMORROW...
Mark Laveer, Buccaneer If there is a Sword Kane, then there is a Shark Laveer!