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Spectating and Leaderboards for Ranked PvP

Aug 02, 2009
I really would like to be able to spectate my friend's PvP match if he is in a fight. It would be awesome to be able to see what matches were going on and to see other fights as well in the matchmaking system. Its something i noticed that lacked in Pirate101 Ranked PvP.
I would also love to see leaderboards come to Pirate101! Grinding to be top of the leaderboards in Wizard101 is really fun to do and brings a challenge to be the best wizard around, why not put this in Pirate101? It would add a competitive edge to the game and it would be really fun
I would also like to be able to see my friends PvP stats. If i could be able to click on a player and look at their PvP record and what rank they are and stuff that would also add a more competitive edge to the game. It definitely would be amazing to see all of these things added to the game to make it a bit more social and competitive and thank you for your time!

Cody Everhart- 65

Jul 23, 2013
I Agree.

~Clever Finnigan Voss~

Oct 25, 2012
I think that spectating and the leaderboards would be a great edition to PvP. If spectating is added I think the community would appreciate a spectator special view. IMO the leaderboards would add a desire to get better at PvP.