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Nov 26, 2012
What does it take to get all the way to Champion? So the ranks are: contender, brawler, warrior, gladiator, veteran, hero, paragon, and champion being the highest. Do the ranks "slow down" as one tries to move up? For instance, contender was only the first 20 points, then brawler was until 40 or 50, and then it took all the way to 100 for gladiator. What are the increments in point values for each rank?

Nov 26, 2010
Contender 0-19
Brawler 20-50
Warrior 51-99
Gladiator 100-149
Veteran 150-199
Hero 200-299
Paragon 300-399
Champion 400-INFINITY MATE

Nov 26, 2012
Mar 22, 2010
The weapons for ranks are too high, you have to be rank champion to purchase these weapons, even the 100 scrips. Its too high. not everyone can get to champion.

Feb 02, 2013
zachary7282897 on Aug 19, 2015 wrote:
The weapons for ranks are too high, you have to be rank champion to purchase these weapons, even the 100 scrips. Its too high. not everyone can get to champion.
Thats the point, this is the one thing in the game that can give you true bragging rights dont you dare try for its removal

Mar 22, 2010
I don't intend to get it removed, but when the cost of the cheapest saber is only 100, don't you think that after getting to rank champion the 100 scrip worthless when you can buy the expensive one instead? i mean after you get to rank champion, you have a lot of scrips and you won't consider buying the cheapest one when you can buy the strongest one. This is just my point of view, please don't get insulted.