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Updating other Aquilian items?

May 28, 2010
I feel as though they should give some of these items like the Eye of Keto some diversity. It seems like a unique totem should have something special to it. Another example would be the Minotaur's horn or the Heart of the Colossus. If other totems such as the Prince of Illios quiver have a unique power to them why not these? We can't Aesthetically see them on our characters, and they don't really seem special because i could just buy something in the bazaar that is probably better than it. Some items just seem better and more unique. Take another totem, for example the Belt of Taurus it doesn't have a power, but it gives 3 passive stats that distinguishes it from anything in the bazaar.

Another idea i had would be the ability to display Totems. These totems look really unique and i would love to display them around my humble abode. It seems like a waste for these collectibles to sit in our banks and backpacks.