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Thoughtful new class moves

Nov 14, 2012
Witchdoctor: Wild Bolt, has 2 different ways of being used. First, when casted the animation should show the user pointing their staffy weapon at the targets as the tip of it bursts out electricity and begins to aim for a 3x3 square. This move when it hits an open square summons flames that spreads like the ones in moo manchu. If it hits enemy it takes away all buffs.

Musketeer: Air Raid, the animation should show bombs being dropped onto enemies on the entire fifbt from planes. After being cast the battle should summon bombs in random squares.

Swashbuckler: Epic move, Copy Cat

This move is more like veangance strike but only activates at the very end of an attack. If the enemy attacks with an melee weapon whichever move they did ex. (Brutal Charge) you have a chance of copying that exact move. There should be a chance on this move just like charming gaze. The damage should be half also.

Buccaneer: Killer Whale, +5 or 10% of critical chance to team. Earthquake: The animation should show the user striking the ground with massive force and the camera should shake indicating a quake. After that for 5 rounds an after shock occurs and makes a random enemy(s) become stunned for 2 rounds.

Privateer: Valor's Might, The team is granted this move and when an enemy strikes they lose 5% of their weapon power every individual strike.

Jul 16, 2013
What if a withchdocter had a power called air revenge where when you cast it you fly in the air and hover above your enemy, then air waves come out of your hands and ba bam you've got a new power.