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Quest Finder

Nov 08, 2010
I think it would be very beneficial to have the "Quest Finder" tool available in Pirate101. I know that I tend to skip side quests by accident, simply because I don't know where they are. Also, I've heard that completing particular quests award badges! Let me know if you support this idea!

Heather Devereaux

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Heather Thunderhan... on Dec 27, 2015 wrote:
I think it would be very beneficial to have the "Quest Finder" tool available in Pirate101. I know that I tend to skip side quests by accident, simply because I don't know where they are. Also, I've heard that completing particular quests award badges! Let me know if you support this idea!

Heather Devereaux
This has been asked for many times, I'm sure we'll get one.

May 30, 2010
Heather Thunderhan... on Dec 27, 2015 wrote:
I think it would be very beneficial to have the "Quest Finder" tool available in Pirate101. I know that I tend to skip side quests by accident, simply because I don't know where they are. Also, I've heard that completing particular quests award badges! Let me know if you support this idea!

Heather Devereaux
This is a request that comes up frequently, and I hope that eventually KI will add it to the game (along with a story line update, please?).

Petty Officer
Nov 30, 2012
First Mate
Dec 29, 2012
Adding my endorsement to this suggestion as well.

I just completed all the quests in my book to only find out that I was still missing a quest from Book 12 (the notorious Wai No Shrine quest). I always collect quests as they are available, but this particular quest only appears after you have no reason for coming back to this island. A quest finder option would certainly help in finding these oddly timed quests and for going back and getting the quests that might have been deliberately skipped).

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Oran from Urz on Feb 1, 2016 wrote:
Adding my endorsement to this suggestion as well.

I just completed all the quests in my book to only find out that I was still missing a quest from Book 12 (the notorious Wai No Shrine quest). I always collect quests as they are available, but this particular quest only appears after you have no reason for coming back to this island. A quest finder option would certainly help in finding these oddly timed quests and for going back and getting the quests that might have been deliberately skipped).
It appears after you have defeated Lo Pan and return to the shrine. The monk who gives the quest is hard to see, though.