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Possible New Worlds

Nov 19, 2010
I am going to try to compile a list of worlds that are possible to be added to the game in the future. Please tell me if I left out a few.

Most Likely Part 2 Expansions to Existing Worlds:

Explanation: Monquista is a super short world already. Couple this with the fact that there are paths to skyways we can't visit yet, and we have Monquista as a pretty good option if KingsIsle wanted to make another part 2 like they did with Valencia. Even though there are more skyways in Valencia, I doubt they would do another update to Valencia so soon again.
Possible New Worlds:
Polaris (duh, it's very important to the story)
Rajah (It has been mentioned a few times)
Krokotopia (a potential birthplace of our pirate)
Grizzleheim (same reason as Krokotopia)
Darkmoor (also mentioned many times in the story)

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Taylor Daisy Flame on Mar 13, 2018 wrote:
I am going to try to compile a list of worlds that are possible to be added to the game in the future. Please tell me if I left out a few.

Most Likely Part 2 Expansions to Existing Worlds:

Explanation: Monquista is a super short world already. Couple this with the fact that there are paths to skyways we can't visit yet, and we have Monquista as a pretty good option if KingsIsle wanted to make another part 2 like they did with Valencia. Even though there are more skyways in Valencia, I doubt they would do another update to Valencia so soon again.
Possible New Worlds:
Polaris (duh, it's very important to the story)
Rajah (It has been mentioned a few times)
Krokotopia (a potential birthplace of our pirate)
Grizzleheim (same reason as Krokotopia)
Darkmoor (also mentioned many times in the story)
Great post, Taylor Daisy Flame!
I have often wondered what worlds we will explore in P101. There is one other world with as yet, unexplored skyways - MooShu.
As for new worlds I agree with your list, but wish to add:
Albion ( home of Bonnie Anne and a few other companions. )

Oct 27, 2009
Taylor Daisy Flame on Mar 13, 2018 wrote:
I am going to try to compile a list of worlds that are possible to be added to the game in the future. Please tell me if I left out a few.

Most Likely Part 2 Expansions to Existing Worlds:

Explanation: Monquista is a super short world already. Couple this with the fact that there are paths to skyways we can't visit yet, and we have Monquista as a pretty good option if KingsIsle wanted to make another part 2 like they did with Valencia. Even though there are more skyways in Valencia, I doubt they would do another update to Valencia so soon again.
Possible New Worlds:
Polaris (duh, it's very important to the story)
Rajah (It has been mentioned a few times)
Krokotopia (a potential birthplace of our pirate)
Grizzleheim (same reason as Krokotopia)
Darkmoor (also mentioned many times in the story)
It sounds like you have some strong candidates here. After all the waiting, I think getting a new world we haven't seen before, and have it be one that isn't even on Wizard would be exciting. That would put Rajah at the top of the list for me.
I'd like to see any of the others you mentioned show up, too, but I remember there was a little of a let down for people, when our NEW area turned out to be Valencia part two, while Wizard got Polaris (and Mirage, and Empyrea). If we go back to Monquista, I hope it will be a different looking region of Monquista. We have seen the arid part of it, I'd like to see a different climate that is a bit more lush with pretty plants, perhaps with mountains.

There is another world that is pretty important, and figures highly in some of our quests, and to one of our crew, Albion!

If Krokotopia came, I'd like it to be like Ancient Luxor, a river area with giant statues and temples by the water, as opposed to Wizard's Giza, the pyramid area. We could buy a papyrus boat, and recruit Kroks and Hippos as crewmen, ooh! maybe a lion or lioness too.

Gunner's Mate
Dec 25, 2015
Taylor Daisy Flame on Mar 13, 2018 wrote:
I am going to try to compile a list of worlds that are possible to be added to the game in the future. Please tell me if I left out a few.

Most Likely Part 2 Expansions to Existing Worlds:

Explanation: Monquista is a super short world already. Couple this with the fact that there are paths to skyways we can't visit yet, and we have Monquista as a pretty good option if KingsIsle wanted to make another part 2 like they did with Valencia. Even though there are more skyways in Valencia, I doubt they would do another update to Valencia so soon again.
Possible New Worlds:
Polaris (duh, it's very important to the story)
Rajah (It has been mentioned a few times)
Krokotopia (a potential birthplace of our pirate)
Grizzleheim (same reason as Krokotopia)
Darkmoor (also mentioned many times in the story)
I would love all of these! but didnt we already go to a part of rajah? I seem to remember going there.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
kingme655 on Mar 13, 2018 wrote:
I would love all of these! but didnt we already go to a part of rajah? I seem to remember going there.
We never went to Rajah, the place with all the Khurga was on the Isle of Fetch ( part of Marleybone. )

Nov 19, 2010
To @kingme655 , I think you are confusing Rajah with the Isle of Fetch in Marleybone. They are two different places. And to @Calamity Finch , I was thinking Albion too, but if Albion is based on Scotland or Ireland, wouldn’t it still be in the British Isles with England/Marleybone? I assumed it would just be a different skyway in Marleybone. But, I’ll add it. Thanks for the feedback everyone :)

Nov 19, 2010
Oh oops I just realized @anecorbie mentioned Albion not @Calamtiy Finch my bad

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Taylor Daisy Flame on Mar 14, 2018 wrote:
Oh oops I just realized @anecorbie mentioned Albion not @Calamtiy Finch my bad
Actually, Calamity also mentioned Albion. Even though this world is under the control of Marleybone, I feel it should be counted as a "new" world, because it has a different name; it isn't Marleybone, Albion Skyway, for example. It would be a separate world with it's own skyway, even though we'll probably be using that Yellow Windstone to get there.

Oct 27, 2009
Taylor Daisy Flame on Mar 14, 2018 wrote:
Oh oops I just realized @anecorbie mentioned Albion not @Calamtiy Finch my bad
We both did, independently, because anecorbie's post was still in moderation and not yet posted when I wrote mine. Given how those dogs of Marleybone get around in the spiral, (Port Regal and Celestia for example), I don't think we can be sure they didn't invade Albion through the spiral with their sky ships. Maybe they even have an enclave somewhere in Rajah, or Mooshu (a rental like Hong Kong was).

Aug 05, 2016
I would love all of those worlds. Our next world (The most obvious) is Polaris. Krokotopia most likely afterwards along with Grizzlehiem too. Ratbeard mentioned nerfing Witch Hunter before we go to Darkmoor so that's a possibility of seeing that someday if we ever do get any any updates. Rajah would be great too, although I doubt they would do it. Monquista part 2 however sounds incredible, as I loved the setting and story it had to it. Albion would also be like a Marleybone part 2 in a sense (Albion is a skyway in Marleybone, but due to it being very far away we'd need a stormgate to get there) and would really add more backstory to the foxes. But one I would absolutely love is a part two of Aquila which explores the Ionian way. If you recall, Jason mentioned sailing there after steel wool or something along those lines. But anyways, good suggestions.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Calamity Finch on Mar 15, 2018 wrote:
We both did, independently, because anecorbie's post was still in moderation and not yet posted when I wrote mine. Given how those dogs of Marleybone get around in the spiral, (Port Regal and Celestia for example), I don't think we can be sure they didn't invade Albion through the spiral with their sky ships. Maybe they even have an enclave somewhere in Rajah, or Mooshu (a rental like Hong Kong was).
Calamity, we know that Marleybone has Albion as one of it's territories. If you remember Bonnie Anne's last promotion, she tells us that "the Dogs have never treated us well.", reflecting historical English attitudes to Ireland and Scotland.
Certainly Rajah must also be under the rule of Marleybone ( if KI are following British history ) the fact that there are Khurga troops under the command of a Marleybone officer is proof of that.
Marleybone has treaty agreements with MooShu for trade.
And for those familiar with W101, we know that there are scientific explorations going on in Kroktopia & Celestia.

Nov 19, 2010
I realized both @anecorbie and @Calamity Finch mentioned Albion right after I posted that . I just didn’t want to look even weirder by making another post about that

Gunner's Mate
Dec 25, 2015
@taylor daisy flame and ancorbie After remembering it a bit more it turns out it was mirage not rajah.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
kingme655 on Mar 16, 2018 wrote:
@taylor daisy flame and ancorbie After remembering it a bit more it turns out it was mirage not rajah.
I think you're confusing the KI games, only W101 has Mirage, P101 doesn't have it.

Oct 27, 2009
anecorbie on Mar 16, 2018 wrote:
Calamity, we know that Marleybone has Albion as one of it's territories. If you remember Bonnie Anne's last promotion, she tells us that "the Dogs have never treated us well.", reflecting historical English attitudes to Ireland and Scotland.
Certainly Rajah must also be under the rule of Marleybone ( if KI are following British history ) the fact that there are Khurga troops under the command of a Marleybone officer is proof of that.
Marleybone has treaty agreements with MooShu for trade.
And for those familiar with W101, we know that there are scientific explorations going on in Kroktopia & Celestia.
I did not forget. "Ruled by" does not necessarily mean "the same place as those who rule them". If worlds of the spiral equate to countries, then what happens when one country invaded another that is somewhere else? Would that world of the Spiral switch to somewhere else? Ireland could also say that the British never treated them well, and hotly disagree that they ARE British, or English or part of England. (Those who agree would be in Northern Ireland.) Some Scots might also say the same. India was half a world away from England, ruled by England for a while, but with a very distinct history, climate, culture, and geography. Guam is a US territory too, but it is not part of North America.
I never said Marleybone didn't RULE Rajah or Albion in our story, just that those areas might float in a different part of the Spiral, and travel with a windstone might be needed to get there. A great example is Krokotopia, with all the Marleybone military around, following the pattern of Egypt being in the British Empire during Victorian times.
Are you proposing that Rajah is also in the Marleybone skyways, sharing a similar climate, architecture, plants and animals with the Isle of Dogs, just with more English countryside? It could be, since the dogs rule there, by what you are saying. Polaris mixed Napoleonic France with Tsarist Russia. I kind of hope that's not the way they go with it. I'd rather it be a separate world of the Spiral.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Calamity Finch on Mar 19, 2018 wrote:
I did not forget. "Ruled by" does not necessarily mean "the same place as those who rule them". If worlds of the spiral equate to countries, then what happens when one country invaded another that is somewhere else? Would that world of the Spiral switch to somewhere else? Ireland could also say that the British never treated them well, and hotly disagree that they ARE British, or English or part of England. (Those who agree would be in Northern Ireland.) Some Scots might also say the same. India was half a world away from England, ruled by England for a while, but with a very distinct history, climate, culture, and geography. Guam is a US territory too, but it is not part of North America.
I never said Marleybone didn't RULE Rajah or Albion in our story, just that those areas might float in a different part of the Spiral, and travel with a windstone might be needed to get there. A great example is Krokotopia, with all the Marleybone military around, following the pattern of Egypt being in the British Empire during Victorian times.
Are you proposing that Rajah is also in the Marleybone skyways, sharing a similar climate, architecture, plants and animals with the Isle of Dogs, just with more English countryside? It could be, since the dogs rule there, by what you are saying. Polaris mixed Napoleonic France with Tsarist Russia. I kind of hope that's not the way they go with it. I'd rather it be a separate world of the Spiral.
No, Calamity, I never meant to suggest that these worlds were part of Marleybone World, but were separate worlds under the control of Marleybone. Meaning, that if we were to travel there we would need a Windstone to go there; but since it's part of the Marleybone Empire, it will probably be the Yellow Windstone we use.
It seems that Darkmoor may also be part of this Empire, ( Were-man, Where Man! quest ) even though historically, Britain had no rule over Transylvania or any of those territories that Darkmoor seems to represent.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
anecorbie on Mar 20, 2018 wrote:
No, Calamity, I never meant to suggest that these worlds were part of Marleybone World, but were separate worlds under the control of Marleybone. Meaning, that if we were to travel there we would need a Windstone to go there; but since it's part of the Marleybone Empire, it will probably be the Yellow Windstone we use.
It seems that Darkmoor may also be part of this Empire, ( Were-man, Where Man! quest ) even though historically, Britain had no rule over Transylvania or any of those territories that Darkmoor seems to represent.
I think that the British, while they didn't "conquer" those regions, were fascinated by the cultures due to the influx of immigrants and refuges (Gypsies) fleeing Europe from various wars and famines. Darkmoor could be a mongrelization of all "hoodoo/voodoo" regions, such as Transylvania, the West Indies and parts of Africa -- all wrapped up with a Marleybonian influence as well.

Dec 10, 2010
I love speculation for new worlds, and the farther we get from our last update, the more excited I get!
I agree what a lot of you said about getting a whole new original world that is exclusive to Pirate101.
In my mind, though I am perhaps just wrong, I was under the impression that Rajah was part of Mirage. Since the inhabitants we've met are tigers and such, I figured the culture would be very similar to that of Wizard's Mirage. I just assumed that Rajah was Marleybone's colony in Mirage, just like they have colonies in Krokotopia and Celestia and things like that.
However, Rajah could be a whole new world since not only did we not meet any Marleybonians in Mirage, but we also met many "Quats" and not so many tigers. That would be fun either way, whether we get Rajah as a world or Mirage with a Rajah skyway! Any addition's an exciting addition!
Personally, I want to see Empyrea added into Pirate101. Not because it is in Wizard101, but because of how we had to travel through the Spiral to get there, similar to a Stormgate, except it was very dangerous and we ended up crash landing in the other game. (Plus, there's a giant squid Sepidious in the sky. New skyway boss?)
But again, any new addition is an exciting addition!

Oct 27, 2009
anecorbie on Mar 20, 2018 wrote:
No, Calamity, I never meant to suggest that these worlds were part of Marleybone World, but were separate worlds under the control of Marleybone. Meaning, that if we were to travel there we would need a Windstone to go there; but since it's part of the Marleybone Empire, it will probably be the Yellow Windstone we use.
It seems that Darkmoor may also be part of this Empire, ( Were-man, Where Man! quest ) even though historically, Britain had no rule over Transylvania or any of those territories that Darkmoor seems to represent.
I had thought those areas would be separate worlds that were part of the Marleybone Empire, and thought you were saying otherwise. Sounds like we agree. I never said what color windstone would be needed, just that one should be used to get there. As for color, I figure the stone would be whatever KI wants it to be, since there aren't enough spaces in our navigation device for every world to have a different color; yellow would be fine.

I agree with Willowydream, that Darkmoor might not be part of the empire. The beings of the spiral can travel, and I could name many travelers we have run into in places other than their world of origin, Bonnie Anne for one, Sir Baxby another, in Wizard. The were-man seemed unusual in Marleybone.

Perhaps the tigers in Mirage got there from travel and colonized a small community there. Mirage seems Middle East style. I expected Rajah to be similar in some ways to the elephant's area in Zafaria, which has Indian influenced architecture, which is different from the usual African look in other parts of Zafaria. Perhaps Rajah would be like India, with touches of SE Asia (like from Thailand), that would be neat to see.

The usual Marleybonean residents seem to be dogs and cats. Foxes live there, but they all seem to be from Albion and have a very different accent. I'm hoping to see something different in Albion, greener, maybe filled with foxes, badgers, stoats, shrews, and rabbits. We know how One-eyed Jack sounds.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Calamity Finch on Mar 21, 2018 wrote:
I had thought those areas would be separate worlds that were part of the Marleybone Empire, and thought you were saying otherwise. Sounds like we agree. I never said what color windstone would be needed, just that one should be used to get there. As for color, I figure the stone would be whatever KI wants it to be, since there aren't enough spaces in our navigation device for every world to have a different color; yellow would be fine.

I agree with Willowydream, that Darkmoor might not be part of the empire. The beings of the spiral can travel, and I could name many travelers we have run into in places other than their world of origin, Bonnie Anne for one, Sir Baxby another, in Wizard. The were-man seemed unusual in Marleybone.

Perhaps the tigers in Mirage got there from travel and colonized a small community there. Mirage seems Middle East style. I expected Rajah to be similar in some ways to the elephant's area in Zafaria, which has Indian influenced architecture, which is different from the usual African look in other parts of Zafaria. Perhaps Rajah would be like India, with touches of SE Asia (like from Thailand), that would be neat to see.

The usual Marleybonean residents seem to be dogs and cats. Foxes live there, but they all seem to be from Albion and have a very different accent. I'm hoping to see something different in Albion, greener, maybe filled with foxes, badgers, stoats, shrews, and rabbits. We know how One-eyed Jack sounds.
I don't recall any Tigers in Mirage; it was all Qhats, Dromels,Baboons and Snakes ( including Djinn ), however the Qhats did say ( in one quest ) that the Cats in Marleybone where distant kin to them.
I agree the architecture of the Elephants in Zafaria had a distinct look of India, perhaps these 3 worlds are close together in the Spiral? This would account for influences and I wouldn't be surprised to meet Elephants in Rajah, if we go there.
I thought the Rabbit's home world was Wysteria?
The Frogs all seem to come from Marleybone or Alboin, as was mentioned in Fan's Rogues Gallery.

Oct 27, 2009
Ethan Skybringer on Mar 21, 2018 wrote:
I love speculation for new worlds, and the farther we get from our last update, the more excited I get!
I agree what a lot of you said about getting a whole new original world that is exclusive to Pirate101.
In my mind, though I am perhaps just wrong, I was under the impression that Rajah was part of Mirage. Since the inhabitants we've met are tigers and such, I figured the culture would be very similar to that of Wizard's Mirage. I just assumed that Rajah was Marleybone's colony in Mirage, just like they have colonies in Krokotopia and Celestia and things like that.
However, Rajah could be a whole new world since not only did we not meet any Marleybonians in Mirage, but we also met many "Quats" and not so many tigers. That would be fun either way, whether we get Rajah as a world or Mirage with a Rajah skyway! Any addition's an exciting addition!
Personally, I want to see Empyrea added into Pirate101. Not because it is in Wizard101, but because of how we had to travel through the Spiral to get there, similar to a Stormgate, except it was very dangerous and we ended up crash landing in the other game. (Plus, there's a giant squid Sepidious in the sky. New skyway boss?)
But again, any new addition is an exciting addition!
Since I have been mostly pirating, for a while, I haven't been to Mirage yet, so I was going by what Ethan said. I thought he was saying Mirage inhabitants were tigers, but now I think he just meant they were Rajah tigers we met in Isle of Fetch.
I agree about the worlds of Zafaria, Rajah, and Mirage being close enough to have traded with, and influenced, each other in places. I, too, expect the elephants might also be found in Rajah, and perhaps something new. Orangutans, anyone?
As for the rabbits, yes we saw some in Wysteria, but I keep thinking of that accent. They didn't sound at all like the pigs, and acted as guards in Wysteria. They sound a lot more like Bonnie Anne and the foxes of Albion. In Irish history, there were many who left their island, some traveled or immigrated, and some worked as mercenaries in other countries. Those soldiers were called the Wild Geese. I think maybe the ones in Wysteria were more like that last group.
With the way the pigs in Wysteria sound, maybe they are originally from another Skyway within Marleybone, where country squires would live, along with some of the frogs. Since the frogs also seem to be in Albion, it would be really interesting to see what role they play there.