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Pet Storage

Jun 25, 2011
since KI keeps releasing new pets, current one leads to 9 hybrids, could we get a better way to store pets? at this point i have 3 houses on 5 pirates and i am about out of room. could we get pets to not count towards backpack or in houses have them count as a different number towards furnishing? it would be nice to be able to hold one of each pet in my pack for morphing. currently if someone requests a pet i have to go find which house or attic or bank or backpack it is in to morph. this frustration leads to not wanting to morph since it is a pain to go find it. any improvement in pet storage would be GREATLY appreciated.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
jason wreckless on Jan 14, 2016 wrote:
since KI keeps releasing new pets, current one leads to 9 hybrids, could we get a better way to store pets? at this point i have 3 houses on 5 pirates and i am about out of room. could we get pets to not count towards backpack or in houses have them count as a different number towards furnishing? it would be nice to be able to hold one of each pet in my pack for morphing. currently if someone requests a pet i have to go find which house or attic or bank or backpack it is in to morph. this frustration leads to not wanting to morph since it is a pain to go find it. any improvement in pet storage would be GREATLY appreciated.
I'm not saying that a storage system may be in order, I like your idea. But if your running out of room, why not "thin out the herd" by selling off duplicates that you aren't or may never train? Do you really need more than 2 - 3 of any kind of pet?

Gunner's Mate
Sep 07, 2014
As of this point in time / there are 228 known pets that players can currently aquire / and one you can no longer get.

Now if you only have ONE of each you can place:
50 on the outside of a house
50 on the inside of a house
and 100 in your attic

so you only need 2 houses on any one character and an attic to be able to store them all
again that is if you just have one of each