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New Powers Suggestion for all Classes

Aug 15, 2013
Okay guys, so remember when I made the post about Swashbuckler's getting a new type of hide? Some of you said that it would make Swashbucklers to overpowered, so what about this? New powers for all classes!
Smoke Bomb
Range: Unlimited
Turns: 3 or 5
Hides a teammate. Cannot use on self.
Air Strike
Range: Unlimited
Turns: 10
Fills half of board (where enemies started) with bombs. (The bombs are as strong as Rain of Mortarshells).
Leech Aura
Range: Base range + Spirit Sight + weapon range or Unlimited.
Turns: 10
Steal 3-5 of the target's Epic Talents and transforms them into Witchdoctor talents for self for 10 rounds.
Valor's Call
Range: Unlimited
Turns: 10
Shields all allies for 25% damage for 10 rounds.
Reckless Fury
Hits adjacent enemies for 2x the amount of damage (it's like an unlimited hide). You lose 10% per swing.
What do you guys think about my ideas? What do you think Kingsisle?

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2015
I think those are some pretty nice ideas! I have one question about the reckless fury. From what you described it as, it sort of sounds like a relentless that does double damage. Now, if you hit 10 times, you'd lose all your health. Maybe the health reduction should be a bit less.

Aug 15, 2013
narnialover1104 on Jan 23, 2016 wrote:
I think those are some pretty nice ideas! I have one question about the reckless fury. From what you described it as, it sort of sounds like a relentless that does double damage. Now, if you hit 10 times, you'd lose all your health. Maybe the health reduction should be a bit less.
I actually was thinking that, but had no idea how to change it. It would be too overpowered against Musketeers and Witchdoctors if it was still 5%. Maybe if the Buccaneer uses Leviathan's Call or Valor's Fortress? The Buck would only take 5%. Or maybe how about this? If the Buccaneer hits each time for X2 damage, he would take 10% damage per hit and if he misses, he's stunned for a round or 2? Im not really sure lol.