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Life fountains OP nerf now

Petty Officer
Feb 07, 2010
I know some people are going to be crying out for my blood for this, but I think it's gone far enough. The fact that life fountains instantly restore your health to full just makes it too easy to recover from a defeat. I mean, you might as well have players respawn at full health, which pretty much defeats the purpose. I think you had the player healing part right the first time, using a life fountain should just slowly regenerate your health, instead of healing you all at once. Encourage players to hunt down red um yum fruit, and stop making potions completely redundant.

Jul 07, 2013
I didn't have a problem with the slowly regenerating health from the fountain. I don't think it matters how quick it regenerates as long as does regenerate. I don't remember when that was changed to a quick pit stop. But your right in the fact that it makes hunting down the fruit a little pointless when your not in a dungeon. I think its good to have a few inside a dungeon when you can't access the life fountain.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Feb 02, 2013
The wounded companions sure are easy to recover from (sarcasm)

Petty Officer
Jan 31, 2013
Hahaha! I have to say you are brave to post this moe. After all the debate arguments over wounded crews to bring up life fountains being too easy, is brave. Now then, I both agree and disagree with you. When I'm battling in a dungeon either by myself or with friends and I get defeated, I would like to heal up quickly and jump back into the fight without having to wait. On the other hand, I never use my mojo potions at all anymore. I use them so little that I don't see a point to them. Why instantly heal when I can use a life fountain for that? Or why use them after a long battle when there's yum yums abound? Why heal my ship when I just park it at a dock and go do other stuff? The only time I pretty much use it is when I'm in a extreme lazy mode on my way from point A to point B and I'm down half my health and a yum yum fruit is on the other side of the path. That's too far to ride over there on my mount, so I'll down a potion.

Do I wish they were more useful? Yes. Do I wish they had the all power to revive your crew members to full health but they had timer countdowns that were very long so you couldn't use them over and over again? Yup. So, over all, I like to heal in a hurry when in a dungeon via a life fountain instead of my mojo potion. I could use either for the same effect but since I'm ported to a life fountain after defeat, might as well use that one.

Jun 09, 2010
I ever hardly use the life fountains. The only thing I use them for is to port back and forth across the skyways which makes traveling a bit easier. As for filling life back up to full, I feel this is for the younger group. I like a challenge and never refill when I arrive there. However the mojo potions are almost pointless. The only thing I use those for is if I don't want to be boarded if my health drops. I feel it takes too long to fill them up if not in Avery court, and like i said I don't use them. However we need to remember that younger kids play this game have have yet to develop the patience for the waiting game of filling up health. So I feel we should just keep the fountains as they are and depending how challenging you want to go, you don't have to use the life fountains if you don't want to.

Feb 14, 2014
I swear this a troll post just by the way you used the word "OP" and "Nerf" on an OBJECT in the game, not an enemy. If this is, your being ridiculous, no offense intended.

Catherine Reade- Lvl 65
Erica Reade- Lvl 27

Petty Officer
Feb 07, 2010
TheHoodooQueen on May 1, 2015 wrote:
I swear this a troll post just by the way you used the word "OP" and "Nerf" on an OBJECT in the game, not an enemy. If this is, your being ridiculous, no offense intended.

Catherine Reade- Lvl 65
Erica Reade- Lvl 27
My choice of name for this thread was meant as an affectionate parody, my reason for creating it, is serious.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
It's great to be able to get full health instantly and be able to re-enter a dungeon instead of waiting or chasing yum fruits. There is a limited time before the dungeon closes, sometimes its 30 minutes, other time they're shorter.
I save my mojo potion for long or challenging dungeons - the Tower or Smuggler's arena.

Apr 28, 2012
Captain Rosethorn on May 1, 2015 wrote:
Hahaha! I have to say you are brave to post this moe. After all the debate arguments over wounded crews to bring up life fountains being too easy, is brave. Now then, I both agree and disagree with you. When I'm battling in a dungeon either by myself or with friends and I get defeated, I would like to heal up quickly and jump back into the fight without having to wait. On the other hand, I never use my mojo potions at all anymore. I use them so little that I don't see a point to them. Why instantly heal when I can use a life fountain for that? Or why use them after a long battle when there's yum yums abound? Why heal my ship when I just park it at a dock and go do other stuff? The only time I pretty much use it is when I'm in a extreme lazy mode on my way from point A to point B and I'm down half my health and a yum yum fruit is on the other side of the path. That's too far to ride over there on my mount, so I'll down a potion.

Do I wish they were more useful? Yes. Do I wish they had the all power to revive your crew members to full health but they had timer countdowns that were very long so you couldn't use them over and over again? Yup. So, over all, I like to heal in a hurry when in a dungeon via a life fountain instead of my mojo potion. I could use either for the same effect but since I'm ported to a life fountain after defeat, might as well use that one.
I use the Mojo Potions when I am in a dungeon and don't want to leave (and lose what I've done to that point) to go to a Life Fountain and get healed. Life Fountains are very useful when you are in a battle, lose your internet connection, log back in and find that you have 1 Health. So, I disagree with you about the Life Fountains and Mojo Potions not being necessary.

Feb 25, 2012
well, really, what is the difference? the old way, you would wait for maybe 15 seconds, then be good to go. currently, it instantly heals you. as far as I am concerned, they could remove life fountain's healing thing, and force us to use the yum fruit flying around. but i mean, even THAT would only take a max of 30 seconds. the way they work is not OverPowered, its a convenience.

Nov 11, 2012
the real question here is the companions now do not get healed by a life fountain this is OUTRAGEOUS!!!
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