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Kane's Drops - Some seems to be missing...

Dec 08, 2008
Of course there's no way to truly know if something is missing, as we have no access or hints to the gear loot tables... but I have leveled some assumptions that seem to lead to such a conclusion. It's true that these items we believe to have may not exist or haven't been found yet... both these possibilities are unlikely, it wouldn't be logical or anywhere near fair for one class get so many pieces, and there has been enough time for farming though most players are reporting repeated items dropped over and over.
1. Class gear: Okay, if anyone would pay some attention to the gear you can notice many pieces are offered to every class, and each piece gives different stats in addition to 2 talents/powers out of the 3 available to every class.
Some classes have many pieces offering all combinations of abilities and logical cominations of stats (for example: Privateer has many hats granting all combos of talents/powers and a variety of stats that alternate between Will/Armor and Armor/Health). It's logical to assume all classes would be offered all combos of abilities and stats as it happens with privy hats... however that doesn't seem to be the reality.
Also players have been able to track down entire sets of gear for one class, however it does seem not all classes are offered a full equipment set... the the logical assumption would be each class has at least one piece of each gear slot which doesn't seem to be the case (for example: there's no reported witch boots found).
2. Class mounts: A mount called Buccaneer's Clockwork Steed have been found as drop from Kane, and yet no other class mount have been reported. The mount doesn't seem to that absurdly rare to outshine all others, many players have gotten it but no other class steeds.
It's only obvious to think there's one for every class and other than the buccaneer steed and Clockwork Wings, no other mounts have been found.
3. Missing henchmen outfits: The new lvl 70 henchmen wears new valencian outfits, a total of nine gear pieces are displayed on them and two of them haven't be found anywhere in Valencia (more specifically the witchdoctor's hat and the swashbuckler's robe) . As it has become known, Kane is the only source of new appearance gear making it obvious they should be dropped by him... yet nobody has found these pieces, hinting again something is missing.

It would be great if someone at KI would take a deep look into Kane's loot tables and verify if all items are really there, if some bug is preventing players from getting certain pieces, or if they're not there yet and we should expect them to be added sometime in the future. Any answer at this point should be promising!


May 31, 2009
Ravino Nightingale on Jun 22, 2016 wrote:
Of course there's no way to truly know if something is missing, as we have no access or hints to the gear loot tables... but I have leveled some assumptions that seem to lead to such a conclusion. It's true that these items we believe to have may not exist or haven't been found yet... both these possibilities are unlikely, it wouldn't be logical or anywhere near fair for one class get so many pieces, and there has been enough time for farming though most players are reporting repeated items dropped over and over.
1. Class gear: Okay, if anyone would pay some attention to the gear you can notice many pieces are offered to every class, and each piece gives different stats in addition to 2 talents/powers out of the 3 available to every class.
Some classes have many pieces offering all combinations of abilities and logical cominations of stats (for example: Privateer has many hats granting all combos of talents/powers and a variety of stats that alternate between Will/Armor and Armor/Health). It's logical to assume all classes would be offered all combos of abilities and stats as it happens with privy hats... however that doesn't seem to be the reality.
Also players have been able to track down entire sets of gear for one class, however it does seem not all classes are offered a full equipment set... the the logical assumption would be each class has at least one piece of each gear slot which doesn't seem to be the case (for example: there's no reported witch boots found).
2. Class mounts: A mount called Buccaneer's Clockwork Steed have been found as drop from Kane, and yet no other class mount have been reported. The mount doesn't seem to that absurdly rare to outshine all others, many players have gotten it but no other class steeds.
It's only obvious to think there's one for every class and other than the buccaneer steed and Clockwork Wings, no other mounts have been found.
3. Missing henchmen outfits: The new lvl 70 henchmen wears new valencian outfits, a total of nine gear pieces are displayed on them and two of them haven't be found anywhere in Valencia (more specifically the witchdoctor's hat and the swashbuckler's robe) . As it has become known, Kane is the only source of new appearance gear making it obvious they should be dropped by him... yet nobody has found these pieces, hinting again something is missing.

It would be great if someone at KI would take a deep look into Kane's loot tables and verify if all items are really there, if some bug is preventing players from getting certain pieces, or if they're not there yet and we should expect them to be added sometime in the future. Any answer at this point should be promising!

I'm sure that the missing gear is just not discovered yet. Seems like the drop rates are kind of wonky or the items are simply very rare. My run of Kane and Hande produced only one piece of card-granting gear between the two of them, and it came out of Kane's chance chest on a single draw.

You're actually wrong on the clockwork horses; there's one for every class but they're pretty rare from what I've seen, er, haven't seen running around. Buccaneer's steed is blue, witchdoctor's is green, privateer's is yellow, musketeer's is orange, and swashbuckler's is purple.

As for the appearance gear, I have no idea what to say about it. I was disappointed to see pretty much everything was Skull Island style outfits with Aquila drops mixed in. Hopefully Kane will learn to share his stuff with us more freely!

Apr 07, 2014
Ravino Nightingale on Jun 22, 2016 wrote:
Of course there's no way to truly know if something is missing, as we have no access or hints to the gear loot tables... but I have leveled some assumptions that seem to lead to such a conclusion. It's true that these items we believe to have may not exist or haven't been found yet... both these possibilities are unlikely, it wouldn't be logical or anywhere near fair for one class get so many pieces, and there has been enough time for farming though most players are reporting repeated items dropped over and over.
1. Class gear: Okay, if anyone would pay some attention to the gear you can notice many pieces are offered to every class, and each piece gives different stats in addition to 2 talents/powers out of the 3 available to every class.
Some classes have many pieces offering all combinations of abilities and logical cominations of stats (for example: Privateer has many hats granting all combos of talents/powers and a variety of stats that alternate between Will/Armor and Armor/Health). It's logical to assume all classes would be offered all combos of abilities and stats as it happens with privy hats... however that doesn't seem to be the reality.
Also players have been able to track down entire sets of gear for one class, however it does seem not all classes are offered a full equipment set... the the logical assumption would be each class has at least one piece of each gear slot which doesn't seem to be the case (for example: there's no reported witch boots found).
2. Class mounts: A mount called Buccaneer's Clockwork Steed have been found as drop from Kane, and yet no other class mount have been reported. The mount doesn't seem to that absurdly rare to outshine all others, many players have gotten it but no other class steeds.
It's only obvious to think there's one for every class and other than the buccaneer steed and Clockwork Wings, no other mounts have been found.
3. Missing henchmen outfits: The new lvl 70 henchmen wears new valencian outfits, a total of nine gear pieces are displayed on them and two of them haven't be found anywhere in Valencia (more specifically the witchdoctor's hat and the swashbuckler's robe) . As it has become known, Kane is the only source of new appearance gear making it obvious they should be dropped by him... yet nobody has found these pieces, hinting again something is missing.

It would be great if someone at KI would take a deep look into Kane's loot tables and verify if all items are really there, if some bug is preventing players from getting certain pieces, or if they're not there yet and we should expect them to be added sometime in the future. Any answer at this point should be promising!

little correction here, the swashbuckler dropped actually is dropped by kane and ive seen many people wearing it, just a little correction :)

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
It's been barely two weeks since Valencia 2 was released to the live realms. I would say that information of what Kane drops is very scanty, wait until its been at least a couple of months before you start saying "this and that isn't on the loot table."

Petty Officer
Dec 31, 2009
MistyDragon13 on Jun 23, 2016 wrote:
I'm sure that the missing gear is just not discovered yet. Seems like the drop rates are kind of wonky or the items are simply very rare. My run of Kane and Hande produced only one piece of card-granting gear between the two of them, and it came out of Kane's chance chest on a single draw.

You're actually wrong on the clockwork horses; there's one for every class but they're pretty rare from what I've seen, er, haven't seen running around. Buccaneer's steed is blue, witchdoctor's is green, privateer's is yellow, musketeer's is orange, and swashbuckler's is purple.

As for the appearance gear, I have no idea what to say about it. I was disappointed to see pretty much everything was Skull Island style outfits with Aquila drops mixed in. Hopefully Kane will learn to share his stuff with us more freely!
There are many many people who already have the 100 kane defeat badge at this point. This observation is not based of a few runs its is based off at least 1000 runs at this point, probably more, but I am just tossing a number out.

I personally have recieved 2 bucc steeds and 1 clockwork wing mounts and have not seen hide nor hair of other class steeds.

I have gotten at least 4-5 of each privy hat, but have yet to see a single witch one. I and my friends have yet to see any musk boots.

Personally I would love to see KI at least look into this, at this point they do not seem to exist, period!

Petty Officer
Dec 31, 2009
anecorbie on Jun 26, 2016 wrote:
It's been barely two weeks since Valencia 2 was released to the live realms. I would say that information of what Kane drops is very scanty, wait until its been at least a couple of months before you start saying "this and that isn't on the loot table."
Yet 1000's of runs have already been completed, I am sure KI knows how many. All the op is asking is that KI review the loot table, it seems like a legitimate request to me.

I personally have not gotten anything new since like day 4, i do not farm incessantly but between my characters I have completed at least 50 runs. I have spoken to many of my friends who have been farming him (some non-stop), everyone has had the same experience. Again, it is worth looking into IMO.

Apr 28, 2014
Jasmine3429 on Jun 27, 2016 wrote:
There are many many people who already have the 100 kane defeat badge at this point. This observation is not based of a few runs its is based off at least 1000 runs at this point, probably more, but I am just tossing a number out.

I personally have recieved 2 bucc steeds and 1 clockwork wing mounts and have not seen hide nor hair of other class steeds.

I have gotten at least 4-5 of each privy hat, but have yet to see a single witch one. I and my friends have yet to see any musk boots.

Personally I would love to see KI at least look into this, at this point they do not seem to exist, period!
Wha..? Clockwork wings? How many crowns did I spend on that again... :/

Feb 19, 2010
I agree. Many people have been getting Bishop's gear dropped yet I haven't seen anyone who has gotten Rooke's gear.

Dec 08, 2008
blackfeatherhawk98 on Jun 25, 2016 wrote:
little correction here, the swashbuckler dropped actually is dropped by kane and ive seen many people wearing it, just a little correction :)
Well, I'm not referring to one swashbuckler robe (which by any means many people been getting since day 01), I mean especially the swashbuckler robe that the class henchmen wears which most players have been calling Kane's robe.

That one is one of the most desired pieces from Kane and yet nobody has reported or taken picture of it? Very unlikely.

Dec 08, 2008
anecorbie on Jun 26, 2016 wrote:
It's been barely two weeks since Valencia 2 was released to the live realms. I would say that information of what Kane drops is very scanty, wait until its been at least a couple of months before you start saying "this and that isn't on the loot table."
I agree not many have taken on the challenge of recording all his drops, but countless players have been farming him... and for not one of them to find/report certain items plus getting the same drops over and over, it's certainly very suspicious.

My request for investigation merely seeks to track down a possible issue at its' beginning, before everyone realizes something there is not right... I obviously expected many to assume these items are undercover by the vast variety of Kane's loot table. But there's strong hints that items are missing, I do think at this point it's best not everybody see them, let KI take a look and fix it before negative feedback falls upon Kane's drops.

I invite community team to make a search into your data directory to see how many people have received class mounts other than Buccaneer's from Kane, this should give you an idea that something is not there.

If this is somehow intended, I would love to hear from Ratbeard how this system is supposed to work or at least word that these items are available in-game and we can start to figure out how these drops are organized.

Overall, this needs investigation and sadly not the kind players can do.


Nov 23, 2011
Ravino: "As it has become known, Kane is the only source of new appearance gear making it obvious they should be dropped by him..."

I have received several items of "new appearance gear" farming Hande.


Nov 23, 2011
"You're actually wrong on the clockwork horses; there's one for every class but they're pretty rare from what I've seen, er, haven't seen running around. Buccaneer's steed is blue, witchdoctor's is green, privateer's is yellow, musketeer's is orange, and swashbuckler's is purple."

Are you sure about this one? Every day I see a few people on the buccy mount, but I have never, ever seen any of the others. If they exist they seem to be much much rarer than the buccy mount. Ravion's original point that the Code Monkeys might want to recheck the probability of various drops seems valid to me.

-Indigo (who of course prefers the blue-maned mount anyway, but that is neither here nor there).

Petty Officer
Dec 31, 2009
Still no response from KI, sad :(

May 31, 2009
Indigo Ring on Jul 11, 2016 wrote:
"You're actually wrong on the clockwork horses; there's one for every class but they're pretty rare from what I've seen, er, haven't seen running around. Buccaneer's steed is blue, witchdoctor's is green, privateer's is yellow, musketeer's is orange, and swashbuckler's is purple."

Are you sure about this one? Every day I see a few people on the buccy mount, but I have never, ever seen any of the others. If they exist they seem to be much much rarer than the buccy mount. Ravion's original point that the Code Monkeys might want to recheck the probability of various drops seems valid to me.

-Indigo (who of course prefers the blue-maned mount anyway, but that is neither here nor there).
I've seen shots of all 5 so they have to exist.

Nov 23, 2011
That makes there existence seem more likely, yes. But one can never trust everything one sees on teh internetz (looks around, nervously).


Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
MistyDragon13 on Jul 11, 2016 wrote:
I've seen shots of all 5 so they have to exist.
I've heard a rumor that Deacon, Rooke and Bishop are dropping class steeds in their previous dungeons:
Motherlode Mine
Wreck of the Victory

Petty Officer
Dec 31, 2009
MistyDragon13 on Jul 11, 2016 wrote:
I've seen shots of all 5 so they have to exist.
Yet no one has gotten one yet, which is kind of the entire point of this post.

Nov 23, 2011
Interesting rumor, Anecorbie. May have to check it out.
