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Just a couple ideas from my end of the world

Aug 09, 2013
I just want to say that, yes, I put these in Captain Avery's "Do you have an idea?!" thread but I just felt my ideas were soooo important for the enjoyment of more players that they deserved their very own thread in The Shipyards so they would attract more attention, so here ya go.

There are a few things i've been thinking you should add since I started playing this game again, A "Completed Quests" list, a quest finder, and quest levels.

A completed quests list is mostly just to help people who want to get those badges like "Twilight Cowboy" and "Seasoned Skyrunner". Maybe you could organize this by the Books the quests are included in, and maybe have the quests you haven't accepted or completed shadowed out so you know how many are left in said book.

A quest finder for obvious reasons, I mean Wizard101 has one, but to my knowledge, Pirate101 doesn't have one. This is just a great thing that needs to be added in my opinion, for the people who can't find some of the quest givers, a few are a little hard to find.

And quest levels, there was a little story to this in the original post if ya wanna go look for it but it doesn't matter so I'll get straight to the point. Quest levels would be very useful if someone who is underleveled finds a quest where you have to fight enemies like ten levels higher than you so you know when you need to start farming experience to make the game more enjoyable. It'd also be helpful incase one is overleveled so they know when to calm down with the leveling so they don't get bored with all the easy battles.

Of course there are also other reasons these are good things to add into the game but they might be a little more personal to the player than not.

There are all of the ideas I feel MUST be added for the enjoyment of more players. Oh wait, one more, please nerf the Hydra and a few other parts of Aquila. I personally love the difficulty of most of Aquila like the Hydra, Medusa, the Harpies and the Vultures, beating them makes me feel awesome inside, like how Hawkules probably feels constantly. But for the overall enjoyment of most casual and solo players, you will need to nerf a few of the things in Aquila as a lot of people I know have quit the game or one character because of Aquila.

Now then, that is all I have to say (finally...) and I shall see you all in the spiral

Cynical Ashley Kent - 65

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
SlyZenobia on Jul 1, 2015 wrote:
I just want to say that, yes, I put these in Captain Avery's "Do you have an idea?!" thread but I just felt my ideas were soooo important for the enjoyment of more players that they deserved their very own thread in The Shipyards so they would attract more attention, so here ya go.

There are a few things i've been thinking you should add since I started playing this game again, A "Completed Quests" list, a quest finder, and quest levels.

A completed quests list is mostly just to help people who want to get those badges like "Twilight Cowboy" and "Seasoned Skyrunner". Maybe you could organize this by the Books the quests are included in, and maybe have the quests you haven't accepted or completed shadowed out so you know how many are left in said book.

A quest finder for obvious reasons, I mean Wizard101 has one, but to my knowledge, Pirate101 doesn't have one. This is just a great thing that needs to be added in my opinion, for the people who can't find some of the quest givers, a few are a little hard to find.

And quest levels, there was a little story to this in the original post if ya wanna go look for it but it doesn't matter so I'll get straight to the point. Quest levels would be very useful if someone who is underleveled finds a quest where you have to fight enemies like ten levels higher than you so you know when you need to start farming experience to make the game more enjoyable. It'd also be helpful incase one is overleveled so they know when to calm down with the leveling so they don't get bored with all the easy battles.

Of course there are also other reasons these are good things to add into the game but they might be a little more personal to the player than not.

There are all of the ideas I feel MUST be added for the enjoyment of more players. Oh wait, one more, please nerf the Hydra and a few other parts of Aquila. I personally love the difficulty of most of Aquila like the Hydra, Medusa, the Harpies and the Vultures, beating them makes me feel awesome inside, like how Hawkules probably feels constantly. But for the overall enjoyment of most casual and solo players, you will need to nerf a few of the things in Aquila as a lot of people I know have quit the game or one character because of Aquila.

Now then, that is all I have to say (finally...) and I shall see you all in the spiral

Cynical Ashley Kent - 65
I cannot really agree with the last two paragraphs of this post, this game doesn't need any more nerfing. Players can learn to deal with Aquila, just as we all did.
Many parts/worlds in this game have been reduced in difficulty, so much so, that when a player suddenly confronts an enemy that gives them trouble, they come on the message boards and demand a nerf!
So, I say no more nerfing! Keep trying and changing strategies or using different companions ( you should have at least two pages full ).
All of us sitting at max level have had to over-come the same enemies ( are you a less better player than we are? ) I don't think so.
There was a saying painted on my High School gym wall: "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins."
Go out and kick some Hydra booty ( and may the glitch never bug you! )

Feb 25, 2012
I think you may be mistaking challenge for bugs. Its true, some parts of Aquila can be exceptionally challenging, but sometimes it is better to rise to the challenge than to wait and hope the challenge goes away. In the case of the hydra, with whom I have had many ..... unfortunate encounters with, it was not because he was too strong, it was because the Ebon head insisted on being a complete jerk and spawning in bad places. (that IS a bug by the way, don't feel bad if that happens, its not your fault. just Flee and try again. If it gets to a point where the bug will not stop, um, bugging you, then contact customer support.