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Inhuman Resources Crown Shop Companions

Aug 23, 2017
I'm sure that everyone would want to have more than just the companion that matches your class from the Inhuman Resources quest. If you want Carcarius Grimtooth, but are a Swashbuckler, you're out of luck. We have Crown Shop counterparts of the starting companions, as well as counterparts to the Bad Company quest companions, so how hard could it be to make Crown Shop counterparts to the Inhuman Resources companions?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
DarkSideChampion on Mar 31, 2018 wrote:
I'm sure that everyone would want to have more than just the companion that matches your class from the Inhuman Resources quest. If you want Carcarius Grimtooth, but are a Swashbuckler, you're out of luck. We have Crown Shop counterparts of the starting companions, as well as counterparts to the Bad Company quest companions, so how hard could it be to make Crown Shop counterparts to the Inhuman Resources companions?
Those companions were intended to be unique to that class, if Crown Shop re-skins were sold to players, we would have situations were a player could "double up" on these powerful companions.
( With the exception of Carcarius. I don't know anyone who says "Gee I sure wish I had him on my crew! " Even most WD dislike him. )
What if we had re-skins of Bonnie Anne, Old Scratch or EL Toro? Like re-skinning the trainer companions, this would just unbalance the game.

Jan 03, 2016
Oh no... a Buccaneer with double Pete and Goro

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
TheFluzzyW101 on Apr 2, 2018 wrote:
Oh no... a Buccaneer with double Pete and Goro
you should be more concerned by a Musketeer with double Chantal & Nausica.