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I Mustache You to Implement this into the Game

Jun 09, 2013
* Though November is a far ways off, I had to post this idea before I forgot!

No-Shave November is an event in which both men and women alike do not shave for the month of November to raise awareness for cancer.

I thought that it would be interesting if there was a 50% off sale for the Mysterious Stranger mustache (from the Black Market) and various forms of facial hair added to the Crown Shop (exclusively during the month of November).

King's Isle has raised awareness for ALS by partaking in the Ice Bucket Challenge. Why can't they implement something along the lines of what I suggested?

Nov 06, 2009
or they shave everything off. I always though you shaved your head to raise awareness, but I think either way is good. thumbs up!

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
I like the idea but i think the whole point of your post is to get a half off mustache ....

May 06, 2011
Ruthless Jack Jack... on Mar 1, 2015 wrote:
* Though November is a far ways off, I had to post this idea before I forgot!

No-Shave November is an event in which both men and women alike do not shave for the month of November to raise awareness for cancer.

I thought that it would be interesting if there was a 50% off sale for the Mysterious Stranger mustache (from the Black Market) and various forms of facial hair added to the Crown Shop (exclusively during the month of November).

King's Isle has raised awareness for ALS by partaking in the Ice Bucket Challenge. Why can't they implement something along the lines of what I suggested?
You're all about facial hair, ain'tcha Jack?

This is a great idea, though! Maybe the money gained from selling the facial hairs can be donated for charity and awareness for cancer.

Jun 09, 2013
KatherineDragonBla... on Mar 5, 2015 wrote:
You're all about facial hair, ain'tcha Jack?

This is a great idea, though! Maybe the money gained from selling the facial hairs can be donated for charity and awareness for cancer.
That's a wonderful idea!

Thanks again for posting!
- Jack

P.S. My Musketeer is all about facial hair!