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Having more than one pet out at once?

Jun 29, 2011
If we could have 5-10 equipped at one time, I would totally switch from no followers to that. What do you guys think?

Jun 02, 2013
Way too many pets trust me and that would be op in battles

Apr 28, 2012
The screen would get way too crowded (at least in the Avery Realm) All those Pets would probably slow down the program when it tries to keep all those pets moving with you along with their little movements (ie Cats with tails and more). So I don't think it would be a good idea.

May 30, 2010
Only if KI gets some sort of kickback from the various monitor and keyboard manufacturers, because that way lies madness. Bunches of randomly moving pets would drive the pirates trying to use their crews to screaming fits of frustration, leading to pounding of keyboards, throwing of mice, and punching of monitors.

No. Bad idea, even if being able to equip a bunch of pets with different grants would be nice.