I think the drop rate for the quest in the title should have the number of fins reduced to four or get more fins per fight. Currently you get 1 fish per 10 minute fight about. This can be very monotonus. Since there are 4 fish with 2 fins each in every fight shouldn't we get more than one fin per battle?
Re: Get thee to a cannery quest collecting too low?
Koi the Fish on Jul 13, 2015 wrote:
I think the drop rate for the quest in the title should have the number of fins reduced to four or get more fins per fight. Currently you get 1 fish per 10 minute fight about. This can be very monotonus. Since there are 4 fish with 2 fins each in every fight shouldn't we get more than one fin per battle?
Perhaps, during the battle, we have done so much damage to each fish that only one fin is usable?