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General Tso's Blade Animation

Nov 03, 2012
I remember that the assassin's strike animation used to throw the blade in the air and the vicious charge animation would not throw the blade in the air. Right now the assassins strike animation doesn't throw the blade in the air but vicious charge does, I would like to ask why they took off the throwing animations in assassin's strike because it looked so much better, why can't the pirate throw the blade in both animations?

Dec 16, 2012
Well, it kinda makes sense, as you don't want to throw your blade around randomly when assassinating someone.

Nov 03, 2012
Voodoo Cornelius on Oct 5, 2015 wrote:
Well, it kinda makes sense, as you don't want to throw your blade around randomly when assassinating someone.
Yeah but since when does the game have to make sense like that. (Cabin in rafts) If something looks cool they should keep that way.